A quick guide to pdca cycles
Lean manufacturing is one of the best ways to turn your organisation into a profitable enterprise. Whenever you are talking about your business growth and development improvement and expansion businesses always rely on strong methodology like Lean manufacturing Yorkshire.
Originated in the manufacturing units of Ford and Toyota, this methodology of carrying out business operations with less waste and more value is certainly taking businesses on to the path of success.
Talking about the lean tools there are 12 to name and one of them involves the PDCA cycle plan-do-check-act. This methodology is one of the key drivers of business operations at a manufacturing unit.
Whenever you approach the lean consultant he would advise you to turn each and every step of your manufacturing process into a cycle that is based upon the PDCA procedure.
What is PDCA?
The PDCA cycle is a four-step model to carry out change in an organisation. This is repeated again and again for continuous improvement. It has four steps. Every process in PDCA forms a loop.
Lean consulting Yorkshire recommend that once you have started it, you must maintain the loop and the cycle so that you get the desired result over a long period of time. You can carry on the cycle of continuous improvement and be on the positive side of the graph.
Let's have a look at the PDCA cycle and how it benefits your organisation as a project planning tool.
Whenever you want to introduce some change into your organisation you must identify its opportunity. If it could be actually implemented or not. Every business is a different organisation and has different requirements. Whenever you think about a slight change, you have to prepare the organisation for it. Whether it is updating the machinery, communicating to the workforce. All this needs to be planned so that the transformation happens smoothly. Therefore you get better results, solution.
Once you have the plan ready and analysed the opportunity, test its implementation scope at your organisation. You must come into action with minimal disruption to rest operations. You must get to work to implement the proposed changes once you have analysed that the change can take place to produce desired results.
Now it is the time to assess whether your idea was a success or not. In advance, you must decide what changes you would make if the results you get are not desired. If you want to implement more changes, you can repeat the do and check phases. But if it is going on track then you can move on to the next step, that is, Act.
The PDCA framework reiterates after the last step where you have to implement the best solution. Once you are sure that the changes you want to introduce will do more good than harm then you can get onto the task of finally making the change. Now is the time that you implement the best solution that you have tried and tested.