Why Is It Important to Care for Your Eyes?

Author: Blutech Lenses

Our eyes are by far one of the most important and developed sensory organs in the body. Therefore, eye care is imperative since we perceive up to 80% of all impressions utilizing our sight. Besides, eye care involves a lot more than getting your peepers checked once or twice every few years. Let’s explore why you must daily make an effort to protect your eyes from any risks.


One of the primary reasons to take care of your eyes is to protect them from minor problems turning into diseases. So, have an anti-oxidant rich diet, stay regular with your eye checkups, and keep performing eye exercises to fight back any issues.


It comes down to selecting the right kind of protective eyewear to avoid injuring the eye area, as that will eventually determine how well you would be able to see if you encounter any damage. It is especially true for people leading an active lifestyle or for ones who are into sports, working at construction sites, or doing any repair job. Besides, you may also choose to use glasses at home or work to reduce the risk.


It is while caring for your eyes that you may be most aware of your vision. If you observe any changes in your sight despite taking all measures, pay a visit to an eye specialist and discuss your problems. Here are some signs to watch - redness, eye pain, blurry vision, blind spots, trouble differentiating colors, injury in the surrounding areas, and partial/ total vision loss. These signs mean it’s time to see an eye care provider ASAP.


Anyone above 60 must annually have a dilated eye exam, while for others, it is good to go for an examination every two years. Between these routine visits, take the following steps to improve and maintain your vision:

Frequent Breaks: Take regular breaks from tasks that involve your eyes a little too much.

Blue Blockers: Wear blue light blocking lenses when working on a computer or laptop most of your time.

Sun Damage: Wear sunglasses even on cloudy days, to shield your eyes from UV damage.

Balanced Diet: Eat healthy and nutritious food, fruits, and drinks.

Exercise: Correct your lifestyle habits and perform some light exercises twice or thrice weekly.

Other Risk Factors: Ensure other illnesses like cholesterol, diabetes, and/or blood pressure are under control. Knowing these will also help prevent age-related impairment.

Medical Details: Share all the crucial details with your healthcare provider so they can examine you thoroughly.

Proper Rest: Give your eyes adequate rest, and don’t forget to blink often. Besides, reduce eyestrain and follow the 20-20-20 rule where you look away for 20 seconds at 20 feet distance every 20 minutes. You can also choose high-quality blue-blocking glasses for insomnia that are especially beneficial if your work is visually demanding or you have trouble sleeping undisturbed at night.


Your eyes are critical for everyday functioning. Taking steps to ensure their health will only help deter eye injuries or ailments. It can also help you recognize any vision changes. Other than this, it’s always best to schedule a visit with your nearest eye care practitioner to get more details on caring for your peepers.