10 Benefits of Working With a Dedicated Development Team

Author: Olga Galik

Outsourcing is now a norm for startup owners and large corporations alike. It doesn’t matter if you have in-house developers or not. Engaging a dedicated development team can provide your business with benefits that complement an in-house team. Some companies even opted to have a dedicated development team over hiring internally.

What Is A Dedicated Development Team?

A dedicated development team is a group of outsourced IT specialists that are exclusively contracted to your company for a specific period. It is a form of outsourcing engagement that ensures a company has full access to the developers for the project’s entire tenure. Companies are charged a fixed rate for the duration of the engagement.

More companies have opted to work with dedicated development teams as a strategy to reduce cost and time-to-market. This method of engagement brings out the best of conventional outsourcing and hiring full-time IT experts. The advantage of working with a dedicated team becomes more apparent for long-term projects.

10 Benefits of Working With Dedicated TeamTask-oriented and focused

The word dedicated implies that the team of developers will be fully committed to your projects. Without the need to juggle a handful of clients, the hired team is free from external distractions. Therefore, you’ll have a team that could spend more time aligning to your business process and provide better solutions.


Outsourcing to a dedicated team is comparatively less costly than hiring an in-house team. You’re only required to pay for the team for the duration agreed in the contract. There’s no long-term commitment to paying salaries, as in hiring full-time developers. Also, you save on paying for rentals, training, hardware, and other perks.

Increased Productivity and Adaptability

Dedicated teams are made up of experts with diverse experience and skillsets. They are used to working in different business settings and requirements. The team would know what questions to ask to get started on your projects quickly. You’ll have a productivity bump when working with a dedicated team.

Quick completion of the project

Worried about falling behind the schedule? Not when you’re outsourcing to a team of developers that work solely for you. Such teams would have only one thing in mind; to promptly execute the project and move on to the next one. That’s how dedicated teams earned their reputation in the industry.

Supplementary Service

Whether you’re building an app or website, the job doesn’t stop when it’s launched. You’ll need IT experts to maintain the app and fix any issues that crept up. If you’re hiring a dedicated development team, the tasks can be included in the contract. You’ll be assured that you have a responsive team on the lookout during post-launch.

More apt for large and complex projects

Embarking on a large and complex project demands a team made up of professionals with diverse skillsets. More importantly, it requires the IT professionals to work cohesively as a synergized team. It isn’t easy to put different individuals in a room and expect them to gel overnight.

Instead, members of a dedicated team are used to working together, and that intuition will help tackle complex projects. Dedicated teams are also highly-scalable. A new addition to the team can be arranged quickly with the outsourcing company if there’s a need for one.

Full-fledge control over the team

Often, outsourcing is associated with a lack of control but not with a dedicated team. You can have a more active role in the development process. Instead of a hands-off approach, you can shape the team’s direction, manage workflows, define goals, and other forms of involvement. It’s quite similar to hiring with an in-house team.

All-in-one pricing

You wouldn’t want rude surprises by working with outsourced developers. When you’re hiring a dedicated team, you got all the expenses laid out in the contract. There are no hidden charges that could pop up later in the project for, let’s say, fixing bugs on the software. The pricing transparency ensures that you stay within the project budget.

Long-term focus on the quality of work, out-of-the-box solution

It is also possible to engage a dedicated team for a long term commitment. By doing so, you can have the same group of experts working on a project instead of rotating with different developers. It’s a known fact that familiarity is key to producing creative ideas and significantly increase the quality of the outcome.


It’s no surprise that dedicated teams have become the preferred IT outsourcing options for many companies. Dedicated teams provide the benefits of in-house developers at a more economical rate. You’ll want to consider outsourcing to a dedicated team if you have a large, complicated project.