Temporary Staffing for Optimum Resource Utilization

Author: Uday Patel

Social Media and Internet as whole have accorded a big boost to staffing. With the need for creating a work force more options are available for employers. The nature of hiring has become much more diverse. This is due frequent economic constraints as well as a matter of policy in case of start ups. Temporary staff augmentation is a boost in the arm that enables work force creation as per the need of the hour and for creating a right mix for optimum utilization and resource management. This is an excellent mechanism for sudden demands, to meet deadline and for large number of time bound projects in the pipeline. This kind of hiring model has become an imperative in modern business environment.

For the technological segment this short term strategy suits the most. Employment in this case is based upon the projects that are time bound and need varying degree of skills.

Having a mix of employees with diverse status and privileges is smart planning. The diversity besides being economical and strategic does away with burden of having a big force. The liabilities and compulsions associated with permanent placements are also reduced. This reduces monetary as well as responsibility loads in a company - not forgetting the complexities and long standing court battles whence a dispute arises.

It is imperative to keep staffing levels optimal, especially in high economy Nations like USA where temp staffing is growing day by day. Quick hire and easy management of human resource is also a virtue associated by such employment strategies. Temporary workers can add to the diversity of skills in a work force at low investment both in money and time. The top performers among them could be promising inclusion for permanent hire for long term stability. This smart planning creates win, win situated for the employee as well as the employer. Time tested work force is a great asset to the companies not only for the skills present, this lead to harmonious environment which can often be at risk in case of urgent permanent hiring.

Temporary job does not mean survival on bare salary since there are some associated benefits. This often depends upon the number of hours work entails in totality. The added benefit is an easier up scaling on the company ladder. The possibility of permanent hire increases if the temp incumbent is planning for it. In some case health insurance benefits and even retirement funds can be possibly. This depends on the country laws that affect this kind of placement.

Not only promotional benefits accrue for temporary workers the inherent up gradation of skills and experience arises as well. It should be noted that there are good enough number of candidates limiting themselves to temporary work probably as a contingency measure. This type of hire is most suitable for businesses in the technology sector especially in IT. Short duration projects are in plenty in the technical or IT sphere. Hence for a company hiring temp specialists is more favorable. The concerns are not stuck with employment burden after the project is over.

Why should temporary prospects seek help of staffing agency?

Although prospective employment ads are there on the job boards. But it is advisable that those in urgent need of work or those in a niche should pay a visit to the nearest staffing agency in their country. The diversity of jobs available with temporary staffing agency is potentially impressive. This is complimented by their reach and capability to partner with mega corps and LLC. Professional agencies attract reputed concerns in their fold unlike run of the mill job boards hence candidates should connect with them.