How Human Resource Compliance Is Helpful In Managing The HR Process

Author: Shubham Joshi

We all think that the HR profession is an easy job profile that recruits and handles employees only. But the reality lies far away. It takes considerable effort to manage the workforce effectively for the betterment of employees and businesses too. But have anyone ever thought that how many measures are necessary to handle all the tasks considering various aspects? We can give our perspective by viewing only the boundaries of the profession. But how much efforts are essential in filling the vast edges is known by HR only.

The recruitment process requires many aspects to consider in finding the most appropriate applicant. But consideration of the number of factors increases as the candidate becomes an employee of the company. HR has to work keeping in mind the governmental regulations to avoid any issues that harm the workforce.

What Does HR Compliance Mean?

HR compliance is about describing the policies and process for ensuring that your work practices and implementation ultimately illustrate the understanding of the laws and regulations applicable to the particular business.

What Are The Legal Problems Faced By HR?

Many factors are there that affect the employee’s journey with the company. Every work has its prescribed regulation required to follow without fail. For ensuring such regularity in the company environment, HR statutory compliance is necessary to maintain its breakless working with adequate employee satisfaction.

Let’s look at the critical issues that need attention at the earliest, and that’s why the government made laws to save the employees from any exploitation.

  1. Sensitive Data Management

The HR department has a vast spectrum of data that includes employee’s numbers, addresses, employee’s contract details, salary details, and health records. All these data are private and need safeguard for ensuring compliance with data protection rules. The data protection is challenging and needs to handle with all precautions to avoid any future issues.

  1. Workforce Benefits

The HR team should make sure that the employees get the payment and benefits according to the prescribed employment law. It contains salary, annual leaves, overtime payment, pension(if applicable), and sick pay. The compensation mentioned in their contract must be according to the established minimum wage law.

  1. Equality In Workplace

There should not be any discrimination at the company premises. While selecting the candidate, the HR member should not distinguish the candidate based on gender, religion, family background, and sexual orientation. If any employee finds such differentiation, they have the right to file a complaint against it without worrying about its effect on their job. The government has developed anti-discriminatory laws to avoid such differentiation at the workplace.

  1. Harassment Issues

Every company must develop policies related to anti-harassment to ensure a respectful and smooth working environment. In addition to it, training sessions must arrange for the managers to recognize such issues better. Every employee should know about the policies and provide them with a supportive culture where they can come to inform about any such matter without hesitation.

  1. Working Premises Safety

The staff members should get adequate training about health and safety measures to handle the situation if an accident occurs. The HR department is responsible for managing workforce safety. They have to make efforts for a smooth going working environment along with safety considerations.

  1. Employees Rights

The firm should be aware of all the labor rights. In some industries, wages are given based on per hour presence. In that case, the wages must also be in line with the laws to avoid worker exploitation. The rules also include details about the breaks, working hours, and leaves.

The process of getting the extra allowance depends on many factors. Overtime consideration depends on the particular job profile, and according to that, every employee has the right to get that amount of additional salary.

Final Thoughts

Previously the cases for employee exploitation were more. To decrease it government came up with various laws to avoid such a situation. The HR should pay complete attentive nature towards such laws and must work accordingly.