Perfect Recommendations for an Experienced Wooden Ship Kit Builder

Author: Andrew Anten

Are you an experienced builder of wooden ship kit? You would be glad to know about the latest range of ship kits that are made available by Kolderstok. The brand offers the most promising range of new wooden ship kits that are specifically designed for experts in the field. With the use of the top-quality materials and advanced designs, Kolderstock has changed the way we look at the ship kits today.

The company is known for the presentation and provision of the ships of Dutch Golden Age. These majorly belonged to the Dutch East India Company and give an excellent review of the ships that were used for trading purposes and supply of goods from one place to the other. Some of the ships were also used for fights and wars that were held by the Dutch around the Indian Ocean and other seas. The replicas of the models of some exclusive designs are also available to help in getting a close understanding of the period.

With the range of ship kits provided by Kolderstok, you can easily find latest design decks, frames, hulls, yards and other ornaments that bring about innovation for the ship builders. You can easily avail separate kits for the additional materials or decorations that you would like to put on the ships, once you have successfully completed them. Some of the leading names of ships that you can buy from Ages of Sail under this category include:

  • Batavia
  • Bijboot Accessory Boat
  • De ZevenProvincien
  • Dutch SpeelJaght
  • Staten Jacht
  • Duyfken
  • William Barentsz Expedition Ship

These ships were known to be under the command of some of the most important commanders in the history of Dutch. So, if you are fond of trading and war ships that were used at that time for promoting the interests of countries, you definitely have to have one of these in your collection. The designs are very close to the original pieces and bring about change in the thoughts of the builders.

Ages of Sail is notably one of the best providers and suppliers of wooden ship kits in your region. Our goal is to check and vet the companies that provide the latest range of ship kits and offer you the foremost designs. Every ship kit provided by us comes along with transparent information from our professionals so that you can make the right choice.

Apart from the Kolderstock brand, we have a wide range of other ship kits provided by some of the finest names in the ship kit building industry. All you have to do is visit our website to get the latest information on the varied brands. You can even reach out to our professionals who are available round the clock to help you make the right decision.

Whether you are looking for swords, submarines, yachts or even houses, we have a long list of models that you can easily pick from. So, what are you waiting for? Grab the latest deals on the products at the most affordable prices today.