How To Enlarge The Penile By Herbal Methods?

Author: Girth Enhance

If you want to enlarge your penile, there are some plants that can trigger blood flow to that area and help it temporarily harden completely. More permanent natural solutions that will increase the length and width of the penile include making changes to nutrition, exercising more, and losing weight from your abdomen. It's easier and safer than surgery, right? Read the first step to learn more about how to make your penile bigger without medication or surgery.

1. Using plants to increase blood flow to the penileTry ginseng. Red Korean ginseng is said to strengthen the nervous system thanks to ginsenocyte, the natural ingredient in it. While there is no conclusive scientific evidence that ginseng makes the penile bigger, men who used ginseng extract tablets as part of a study in South Korea showed a better sexual performance after several weeks of using these supplements.Ginseng interacts with a number of drugs in the opposite way and can have negative side effects on people who have some cancers, heart disease, insomnia and other problems. Be sure to talk to your doctor before you start using ginkgo regularly.If you're thinking of using ginseng supplements, take one of those supplements that says "Korean ginseng root" on it and use 500 mg a day.

Since herbal supplements are not regulated by the Ministry of Health, there is always a risk of using them. Be sure to buy supplements from a known brand and never use more than the recommended dose.

  1. Use Ginkgo biloba. This plant is mostly used to strengthen memory, but it is also useful in the bloodstream and can increase blood flow to the penile. According to a study conducted at the University of California, ginkgo is most effective in helping men who use antidepressants that can lead to sexual dysfunction. According to another study, gingko has no effect. Scientific data is not conclusive, but Ginkgo is worth a try, as it strengthens memory and has relatively few side effects.Ginkgo can be consumed as tea or as a supplement in the form of capsules. Both versions of the plant are available in stores that sell health products.Don't take a ginkgo supplement if you've had a seizure in the past or are taking blood thinners. Talk to your doctor to make sure it's safe for you to use this supplement.
  2. Investigate the use of maca supplements. This powder is famous for being an aphrodisiac. It includes macamide and macaen photochemicals, which are said to increase energy and help men maintain their erection. Since no definitive scientific research has been conducted on this substance, it is worth being cautious. Be sure to consult your doctor before including this supplement in your daily routine.
  3. Consider taking L-arginine. This is an amino acid that helps the penile grow more during erection by increasing blood flow. A study conducted at Tel Aviv University showed that some men experienced improvements in their condition after some 6 weeks of using this supplement. The supplement is available in natural food shops, and the recommended dose is 1 gram three times a day.

If you're using nitroglycerin for your heart, you shouldn't use this supplement because it can cause blood pressure to drop. Talk to your doctor about whether he'll recommend you take L-arginine.

5. Eat watermelon. Watermelon is not a medicinal herb, but similar to arginine, it has properties that can help increase erection time and the size of the penile in an erection state. Watermelon contains an amino acid called citrulline, which is converted to arginine and leads to dilation of blood vessels.[4] the fact that watermelon contains citrulline is a relatively new finding, so there are no studies of how much it works or how much watermelon you need to eat to see its benefits. On the other hand, since watermelon is considered a super food when it comes to men's health, you wouldn't be wrong to eat a lot in season.