Are some people designed to give more love?

Author: Rohit Kumar

"Before all these witnesses I declare my intention to give you love. May your soul deserve to tell you, my love, that I love you without limits. »Anonymous

And now I want to share my personal experience regarding this topic because I think it can be very useful to you.

The following text will also teach you to never give too much love to someone who doesn't want or can't return the favour!

Why some people give more love?

Being in my thirties made me think a lot about my life.

You know how it goes: you sit down one night, have a panic attack, and wonder if you'll have enough time to do whatever is on your list.

Now I feel like I'm about to be 80 years old. But, it's also a big deal - your 30th birthday isn't just a milestone - it's a milestone too.

With that in mind, you recap everything you've done so far; you put each of your accomplishments and failures on a ladder and wait to see which side will be the heaviest.

This is exactly what I tried to do. After analyzing my friendships, family relationships, and career, there was a scary part: my love life.

I've been shying away from these thoughts for a while now, but the time has come for me to admit the bitter truth: Compared to other aspects of my life, my romantic relationships are (and each has been) a big disaster.

It is not a phase that will disappear. In fact, it's not that I'm heartbroken as I write this text.

The point is, my married life has never looked like I imagined. As far as I can remember, I am unhappy in love.

This does not mean that I have never had a serious and committed relationship. I had my share of boyfriends that I loved and who loved me in return.

Now you are probably asking yourself: "So how come you have always been unhappy in love? How come all of your relationships have failed? "

These questions bothered me for a while, but I finally got the answers.

Are my standards too high? No. On the contrary, most of the time it seemed to me that I had no standards.

Am I looking too much? Yes. But wait, how is it possible to wait too long without having standards at the same time?

Well, you see - the only thing I had asked for in all of my relationships was unconditional love.

I am a human being addicted to someone who loves me and I demand too much love from the other person. And, at some point, my addiction needs to be cured.

You see, for all these years, I've blamed my partners for never caring enough about me. Somehow, it was me who loved the most in all of my relationships.

No, I imagine things - it was really me who sacrificed the most, the one who tried the most and the one who carried all the weight.

Therefore, I continued to become the one that was played and left behind by my boyfriends!

Sounds like a model, right? So who is to blame here?

For years, I thought that none of my exes had the capacity to love me the way I deserved. I felt emotionally neglected and held them responsible for my dissatisfaction.

I felt that none of my exes had enough emotional intelligence.

But then it hit me: I compared the amount of love that I received with the amount that I gave. All the while, I thought my way of loving was the only right way.

If a guy likes me less, obviously he doesn't like me at all.

All my relationships were similar to each other: as soon as I realized this, I put all my efforts to change the situation.

I was doing everything in my power to make these men take better care of me. I subtly asked for their attention and affection, and I fell into despair whenever I didn't receive them.

After a while, things ended up breaking down. Sometimes the men next to me couldn't take the pressure of constantly being accused of indifference.

On other occasions, I ended things because I couldn't bear to feel so unloved.

Then I realized that I was born to give more love than I will ever receive. It is my fatal flaw that will eventually be the cause of my emotional downfall.

I don't know if I have a greater capacity for love than most people; if I consciously choose men who are unable to give their hearts or if I secretly enjoy my role.

But, the truth is, the same thing happens every time: I let men enter my heart without ever looking at part of it for myself.

What I do know is that I make a huge mistake every time I try to force a guy to love me more. Instead, I should put my efforts to make me like her less.

You see, you can't control the way other people treat you. You can't make anyone to love you more, or make them love you more.

The only person you have full control over is you.

You can't force a man to text you more often, but you can start texting him less frequently.

You can't force a man to make sacrifices in your relationship, but you can stop putting all the weight on your shoulders. You know what they say: "If you can't beat them, join them"!

The examples are endless, but you get the point. No, you shouldn't do it as part of your hidden agenda to make him fall more in love with you.

You do this to take back your dignity and heal your own broken ego.

Or, you can just go away and wait for a man who will give you the same amount of love he receives from you.

Finally, is that amount of love and dedication that you give your partner good for your mental health? Is it healthy to love someone more than yourself? I think we all know the answers to these questions.