Hookah Etiquettes and Rules to Smoke the Right Way

Author: Tick Tock Hookah

Smoking Hookah was and has always remained a social experience, giving rise to a popular "Hookah culture " covering history, customs/traditions, etiquette, atmosphere, and more under its vast umbrella. Today, it continues to grow in its prominence spreading over to newer regions of the world, as a result of which some traditions are being left behind, getting obsolete while, on the other hand, some being often or ignored.

No matter what, where, and how you are smoking or with whom you are smoking there is always a set of unspoken rules that are associated with hookah etiquette that are to be followed, for instance, there are some basic self-explanatory rules like not hogging the pipe or playing with the coal to leave holes behind. Hence below we have listed a list of some unofficial rules that are intrinsic to proper hookah etiquette.

1. "House Rules "can be a good start

This means to try and understand that if you are at a friend's house they also do have a set of rules that you should follow for example setting the best air coolers in India in a position suitable for everyone. Or per se if you are in another country you should take some time out to acquaint yourself with their customs and traditions. You do not want to be the one who offends the host in any way.

2. Who Sets It Up, Smokes First

Followed by usually the person in charge of coals, however, it does not necessarily mean that if you have set up the hookah or the coals you will get a longer turn. But on the other hand, it is a common notion that if you are the one to provide the hookah or a tobacco flavor like the breeze ice, you have a natural right to smoke more longer if you desire so.

3. Clockwise Rotation is Always Encouraged

This means you should offer the hose to the person to your right. you should not hand it over directly rather put it down as it is considered rude in some parts of the world to directly pass the hose to someone.

4. Pass On with the Right Hand

While passing the hose you should always make it certain to use your right hand while doing so at the time of smoking hookah. Going by the fact that left hand is considered to be unclean and may offend your hosts or guests.

5. Set It on the Floor

Traditionally the shisha has always been taught to be set up on the floor and not tables or other risen platforms. It is because hookah is something that is of service to us and should not be kept on a pedestal.

  1. You should be mindful of the fact that not blowing smoke onto another person's face, also referred to as shot gunning can be quite insulting and should be avoided at all cost as it is impolite and gross.
  2. You shouldn't be pointing the hose at someone directly.
  3. You should always use your mouthpiece and promote good hygiene and if you're sick then you should abstain from smoking it with your friends.

Last but not least the hookah etiquette is as simple as any other social norms, which means it is all about recognizing other people who are with you and their feelings and motivation that set you apart from them. Hence you should be natural and comfortable around them and they will reward you with kindness and courtesy.