Why Should You Stop Using SMS Method for Two-Factor Authentication?

Author: John Smith

Are you an active participant on social media? If not social media, you must have shopped online sometimes. You indeed would have come across the SMS authentication that is used as a two-factor authentication while online payments, changing passwords, etc.

Without a doubt, two-factor authentication is a systematic process to prove your identity. Not just prove, but it is an essential step to protect your identity. The most common method used online is SMS authentication. A code is sent to your registered number that you can use to claim who you are.

SMS authentication is a prevalent method, but it is suggested not to use the same. Instead, you can use apps like ‘Authy,’ ‘Titan Security Solution’ offered by Google, etc. It is a myth that invading privacy or trying to get someone’s account details can only happen with famous faces. Anyone can become the target, and the security experts mention the same.

In case you think that using SMS for authentication keeps your account secure, it is not something you should use for security. The disadvantages of using SMS 2FA are mentioned below for a better understanding of the same.

Cons of Using SMS Two-Factor Authentication

The cons of using SMS two-factor authentication are:

  1. SIM Swaps

SMS 2FA works when you’re sent a code on the registered mobile number, and you enter the same to complete the log-in process for a specific app or account. You must note that the code sent to you is meant to be used one time only.

This method sounds secure, right. Unluckily, it is not what you think of it. In case someone has your phone number and a little more information, it takes no time to steal the codes that are meant for your use. The other person can provide your info, and your cell phone company will straightaway link the program to the other person, without any further questions.

  1. Interception of SMS Messages

Snooping on your SMS messages is not very difficult. A case in Iran has come forward where a group of individuals was trying to get to the accounts of a person using Telegram messenger via SMS interception. Not only this, but there are other ways through which your SMS can be intercepted like fake cell phone towers.

What can you do to prevent the stealing of your data?

The only method to prevent the stealing of your data is opting for an alternate plan. SMS authentication is a simple and convenient method, but there is nothing above your privacy and safety. Alternatives like ‘Authy’ and ‘Google Authenticator’ are the perfect substitutes to keep anyone from invading your privacy. These applications enable you to generate the codes on your device, which means the other person trying to steal the codes won’t be able to get to the same.

Many companies are trying to imply app-based authentication, while others are still working on it. Unfortunately, a lot of services force you to use SMS authentication; you can use a Google account in such a situation.

Read Official Blog Post - https://a4webroot.com/why-should-you-stop-using-sms-method-for-two-factor-authentication