Communication Skills

Author: Jaime Bradley

The skills and abilities that employees nowadays are required to have are rather similar as the challenges and threats organizations face are relatively the same. At the same time, the list of the necessary skills is constantly supplemented and reviewed. Still, communication, analytical skills and teamwork are considered the most important ones for the building of the successful organizations, achieving the set goals and realizing long-term projects.

According to the concept map writing service, at the beginning of the business career, each yet-to-become professional has energy, time and specific characteristics, which can be transformed into the status and money, paid to the employee by the employer. The task of the employee is to raise the transformation rate in order to grow further. Possession of good communication skills, as well as analytical and teamwork ones, are requested by the majority of the employers.

The ability to work effectively within the team is extremely valued by the today's employers. The reason for this is that the synergy of the efforts of a number of people that is reached within the teamwork is far more contributing than the work done by a person alone. More than that, the cross-functional, virtual and other untypical teams are nowadays designing the solutions to the complex problems and re-invent the industries from the within. The ability to work within the team provides for certain work ethics, including politeness, quick and appropriate responding, team spirit, readiness to complete the tasks of other team members whenever needed and others.

Having the analytical skills is also important for a variety of reasons. First of all, they are helpful in fighting the uncertainty that many people face in the today's world. The professionals who possess these skills are able to analyze different circumstances and the options within the short time periods and make the decisions that are relevant and up-to-date. What is more, they can work under the condition of the uncertainty when making the decision needs to be delayed. These skills also help the professionals to employ logical thinking in the decision-making, an excellent judgment, as well as the methodological tools in approaching the problem and solving it. The analytical skills are also important for the efficient managing of the information, which affects the speed of the work-related operations and improves the quality of the decisions made in the end. They help one to generate the alternatives and accept the justified risks.

The Google Company in particular has the requirements for the candidates that include possessing the analytical skills, especially the ones related to the analyzing of the big data, strategic issues and the ability to work under pressure. As the senior vice-president of the Google Laszlo Bock asserts, we would rather hire smart, curious people than people who are deep, deep experts in one area or another, proving that those who possess strong learning ability very often are able to find the right solutions to difficult problems. Besides, employers appreciate the skills that help to ensure the continuous process improvement, and the analytical skills help to document every step of the process and identify possible flaws and offer the ways of their prevention. Such professionals are also capable of learning fast, which is significant in the current circumstances when the world changes extremely fast and the new requirements for the work positions appear.

Communication skills are even more important for the modern professionals since they enhance other skills and considerably improve the overall operation of an organization. First of all, efficient communication ensures that all the employees are aware of their tasks and responsibilities, as well the as the limits of their rights and freedoms. As Lau asserts, Working effectively as part of a team is incredibly important for output quality, morale, and retention. He also notes that working alone reduces the outcomes of learning. The communication skills are extremely important during the change in management when there is a need for constant interaction with the personnel and repeated explanations that are set at the organization. Proper communication is also essential for any organization that values flexibility and responsiveness, as well as for promotion of the sense of achievement and the equity and camaraderie. Besides, it also contributes the building of the flatter and leaner structures that foster efficient decision-making and the overall smoothness of the work processes.

Furthermore, proper communication is also important within the virtual team environment since it requires the understanding of the characteristics and the workflow of the virtual teams and the ways of dealing with the issues, conflicts, misunderstandings, etc. What is more, in the context of quick globalization, organizations need their employees to hone the intercultural communication skills to communicate with the specialists from the other countries. In such cases, the employees should be aware of the customs, non-verbal communication peculiarities and the characteristics of the job-related processes inherent in a certain country or region. Strong communication skills are also important for the networking purposes and making contacts with others. These contacts may serve as the basis for the future projects.

In conclusion, communication, analytical and teamwork skills are vital for the organizations that strive to be successful. These skills significantly improve decision-making process and working environment in an organization, promoting prevention of possible problems and finding clever and fast solutions to already existing ones. Companies that have employees with these skills can be sure that they have considerable competitive edge over their rivals.