Photo To Painting – Convert With Software

Author: Painting Forever


Photography is a very common hobby. You can find many on the streets with a dslr camera wrapped around their neck. Some of them are amateurs while some are real professionals. There are so many things to capture. You have the street life, children playing in the park and the list is endless. The art of photography is a relatively new one, compared to something like painting, which goes back to thousands of years. Even early humans were believed to have painted on the walls of the caves. In comparison, photography came in to existence in the mid 1800s.


As mentioned earlier, the art of painting is one of the oldest art forms mankind has ever invented. It is about depicting one’s imagination and observation with the help of lines and shades. The art of painting have flourished with time and we have seen some real master pieces being created by some of the maestros. Like everything, the art of painting has gone through a lot of changes and modifications over the years. Earlier, man used stones to sketch on the rocks. They used colors, it is a wonder, how could primitive man learn the use of color, or from where did they get these colors from. Any ways, as man became more civilized, he started inventing new tools and means. At one stage man invented carbon and this period marks the beginning of modern era in painting. Sketching became much easier and they started looking more convincing, along with carbon, oil paints and water colors were used, which made them look even more attractive. Man has painted nature, has portrayed his imagination, and of course portraits. All these paintings represent the pure form of this age old art.

Photography and painting

With the development of technology, the concept of photography and painting started blending with each other and as a matter of fact, they blend quite well! If you have takes a snap of sun rise and you would like to give it the touch of painting that can easily be done with the help of some excellent software, which helps in photo to painting conversion. When it comes to converting photos to paintings, it is done with so much precision, that one cannot really catch the trick. Photo to oil painting or picture to painting can easily be achieved with the help of these software’s.