Flood Damage Control - The Universal Starter

Author: Luke Gilrane

Ralspeed, the motor control expert, provide a full bespoke range of control gear, offering a convenient, cost-effective solution. Peter Schaffel, Managing Director at Ralspeed, explains that, "There are many occasions when a temporary motor starter is needed quickly – to control a pump that’s being used to tackle flooding, for example, or stand in for a starter that’s failed so that essential plant can be kept running. The problem is having the right starter for the job on hand."

As the range of starters is so large and diverse, it can often be difficult or inconvenient to quickly locate the required design, leading to longer periods of inactivity for the business along with more extensive flood damage while the correct starter is sourced. It is possible to purchase an entire range of starters that could potentially be needed though this is costly both in terms of initial outlay and required storage space.

Although it is not possible for economic reasons to produce a truly universal starter Ralspeed supply the closest possible alternative - our 'Wide Ranging Overload' which can be used for any motor size and will therefore fulfil most requirements.

The innovative design of our 'Wide Ranging Overload' allows it to be installed in the front for all varieties of soft starter, including direct online and VSD, with zero compromise on safety and performance. Many starters are used in highly-demanding situations; these can be particularly harsh where flooding is concerned. Earth-leakage protection must therefore be installed and this is built into the 'Wide Ranging Overload'.

For some companies, the investment in a universal starter may not be feasible as, for instance, it may only be very occasionally required. In order to meet this need, Ralspeed also offer the 'Wide Ranging Overload' as part of our dedicated hire fleet. Offering immediate delivery, competitive pricing and guaranteed quality, Ralspeed continue to build on our reputation as one of the best control gear and starter hire and sale companies in the UK.

Hiring equipment is often the best choice for a number of reasons. Small or start-up businesses may not be able to cover the full costs of buying new products outright or a company may wish simply for a try-before-you-buy option to ensure the product is right for their individual needs. Companies who only require soft starters and control gear during isolated incidents, such as flooding or rare machinery breakdown, often find that hiring a variable speed drive or soft starter brings incredible financial benefits.

Resource box:

Soft Starter | Variable Speed Drive| Original story can be found online on Ralspeed LTD