Tips & Ways to Improve User Experience

Author: Ayatas Technologies

For any online business, a website is the biggest asset. Any site is designed to promote your products and services and also is the ultimate tool to make sales. Your site is a salesperson working 24/7 and has the potential to be the centerpiece of your whole business.

However, the rapid change in technologies day by day can make your website look outdated. Redesigning cannot be the option always as it involves a lot of money and regular monitoring. At the same time, you might not have money and time to invest in the redesign project.

To overcome the challenge you need to follow some tips and ways to improve the user experience and also make your website more useful for your business.

1. Optimize the Site Speed

Today your site is accessed by many people at the same time and from different devices and platforms. Your website needs to load quickly to give the information required by the users and customers. If the site is taking too long to load, then there are many chances that the customers will jump to another site. There is a service from Google to check the loading speed of your site. Compress all the images in the site before loading the site, so that the loading speed of the site increases.

2. Responsive Web-Design

Technology advancement has made all the people browse the internet on smartphones. So your website needs to be compatible and easy to navigate on mobile devices, tablets, and other devices used by the customers. To make responsiveness more crucial, Google is also penalizing sites that are not mobile-friendly. You have the option to use the free tools available to check the responsiveness of your website. You need to consult an experienced Responsive Website Development company for developing your website.

3. Keep Your Website Pages Consistent

Being consistent is the key to create recognition for your brand in the market. Maintain the same font style, color, and writing tone throughout the website pages. The headings, button styles, design elements, style of illustration, pictures and everything should be matching between the pages. Inconsistency and changes from one page to another can confuse the users. To provide your user with excellent experience as they navigate through your site, it is essential that they know they are still in your website.

4. Clear Navigation :

The navigation on your website is the way to guide users to most visited pages and products. Use easy language for the navigation headings so that they are easily understandable, especially for the brand new visitor to your website.

5. Differentiation in the Hyperlinks

Hyperlinks are mostly used to guide the user to other pages or website that can have more information relating to the particular word or topic. Make sure that these links are visible. Most of the site use the default color to highlight the hyperlinks. To draw the attention of the reader or user you could try a different color that is compatible with the colors of the site. The length of the hyperlinks is also crucial. The longer links are easy to identify.

6. Use More White Space

White space on the website can be used for advertising and display of the products and services. Also, white space gives the scope for more design. The content on the site becomes more legible when there is white space available. White space makes your website open, fresh and modern. If your branding is consistent with these, then it can help you communicate that feeling to the user.

7. Use Attractive Headlines for the Content

Including keywords in your content is very important in targeting your potential customers. Attractive headlines can be prepared to create enthusiasm in the minds of the users. Search engines give headings more weight in the overall content, so choose the right title and making it stand out can significantly in the search.

8. Use Images Wisely

People come across so many images on the internet and can quickly identify them. If you have picked up the image from other sites, then it is easily recognized, and you lose the trust of the users. Use your pictures to convey the message to the potential customer. Also, make sure to use the relevant images and in the support for the content written.

9. Use exiting call to actions

Calls to action make the customers more enthusiastic and make them navigate through the required pages easily. Use of different colors to buttons based on the actions evokes interest in the minds of the customers. Try to use colored buttons having action-oriented phrases like sign up to know more or get started. Choosing the correct words or psychological triggers is highly determined by the level of emotional identification that word prompts. No emotional connection means no action. Use attractive colors for various messages in the content. Chose colors wisely to evoke trust in the minds of the customers.

10. Key Information in Bullets

If you want the user to get all the information quickly, then use bullet points. Mention the key points or features of your products in the form of bullet list to enable the users to gather all the required information quickly. Many cool icons are available you can use them as bullets for your text.

11. Avoid Page Not Found Errors (404's)

Any user gets annoyed at the message of 404 or page not found. If any user gets the message, then he might rethink on getting back to your site next time. If you cannot redirect the user to the desired page, then maintaining a website is merely a waste. Slow loading of the pages or site is also a reason for 404 error. There are free tools available to identify not working pages and rectify the 404 error.

12. Take Minimal Information for Sign Up

Many sites take just the first and last name along with the e-mail to just sign-up for the website or newsletter. Customers also know all things. They are not showing interest to provide more information for an unknown person or site. So if you have a long-form for a signup, then most of the users will quit without completing the forms. So short and simple forms are acceptable for most of the users.

13. Content Categorization

Most of the users look for particular content or product on a website. If you help the user find the required content by carefully categorizing your content, then chances are less that the user goes to another site for information