Prostate Seed Implants Show Promise for Long-term Results

Author: Rheta Mankin

A diagnosis of prostate cancer is scary for any man, to be sure. But, if there’s any bright spot to be found, it’s the fact that, when found early, prostate cancer is highly curable. That doesn’t mean that prostate cancer sufferers haven’t had their share of hurdles in terms of treatment. In the past, the options for treatment, while effective, often left patients with life-changing side effects. But advancements in treatment have changed the way that prostate cancer patients tackle their disease and live their life following cancer. And a big part of that change is the development of prostate seed implants or brachytherapy.

During brachytherapy, tiny radioactive pellets (about the size of a piece of rice) are placed directly into the prostate gland near the tumor. As the pellet disintegrates, a small amount of radiation is slowly and consistently released. This has shown enormous promise for many reasons including:

  • Brachytherapy provides an effective localized treatment. The ability to target the prostate tumor allows for surrounding healthy tissues to be minimally impacted by radiation.
  • Brachytherapy typically takes about an hour to perform, making it much less invasive than traditional therapy. Patients are able to return home the same day and return to their normal activities within just a few days.
  • The procedure itself is relatively painless which makes for a quicker recovery and fewer side effects.
  • The effectiveness of the treatment is the same - and often better - than the results achieved through surgery.
  • Sexual side effects following brachytherapy, as opposed to traditional surgery, are much lower.

Best of all, prostate seed implantation has been shown to have outstanding long-term results for patients under the age of 60, allowing them to live longer, healthier lives with healthy sexual function. For all these reasons, brachytherapy continues to be the fastest growing method of treatment for prostate cancer.

About Author

Dr. Echt and his team at the Prostate Seed Institute offer the most highly sophisticated methods of radiation therapy available in the United States, equal to that found in major medical center and academic settings. These include prostate seed implantation, high dose radiation implants, and external beam radiation with image-guided and intensity-modulated (IGRT and IMRT) capabilities.