What makes Corn Silage an efficient solution to prevent Cattle Starvation?

Author: Sahil Anand

Starvation is a big issue for everyone and cattle are no different in this aspect, they also need to eat for survival. Starvation for long periods can lead to the death of cattle and in return death of the cattle.

This problem occurs, the most during drought and dry periods that damage the crop. Growing new crops for cattle during this time is not that easy, so what’s the solution? The answer is corn silage. It is the most nutritious and tasty silage among all fodder and this article will tell farmers exactly what makes it the need to prevent cattle starvation.

Corn silage: the solution for starving cattle

Long shelf life: - Silage bales can last up to 18 months, thus stacking up enough balesand to know more about this you can take help of Tips to get the most from your silage stackcan efficiently solve the starvation issue in cattle.

The reason for this is that each bale is tightly wrapped in plastic which makes it less likely to be damaged by changes in the environment. But that’s not all; the fermentation process also makes silage a tasty and long-lasting solution.

Cost-effectiveness: - If compared to the price of other fodders, such as hay, a farmer can find out that silage is less expensive than them. Silage can also be fed to cattle during dry seasons when other green fodders are inadequate or highly expensive.

Overall it can be said that more nutrition was given to cattle on a low budget.

Higher nutritional values: - Again, when talking about other fodders, one can say that it’s hard to find nutritious green fodder for cattle during droughts, but thankfully, silage comes to the rescue of farmers.

Corn silage is packed with protein and fiber which can be fed during the dry season. The good thing about silage is that it preserves almost 85% nutrients of the crop.

Can be easily stored: - The shape and size of silage bales are designed in such a way that more can be stored in less space, a farmer can store a lot of dry weighted bales under 1 cubic foot. Overall it’s easy to store more silage bales in less storage.

A tip for farmers would be to buy green corn crops when they are easier to obtain and make them into bales and store for drought season as silage bales have a long shelf life and they are easily stored.

Silage making made easier: - making corn silage and silage bales is much easier for farmers now; they can thank the advanced technology for that. They can use baler machines to simplify the baling process.

If a farmer or farmers are having trouble in making silage or they don’t know how to use the advanced technology, they can always connect with silage agro. Try their brand new NutriMeal Silage which is a ready-to-eat packaged version of their most popular corn silage.