Bio-Energy Patches | Body Balanced Remedies

Author: Moses Fernandes

What is a Bio-Energy Patch?

"The BioEnergy Patch™" is a 1? circle produced using a polyvinyl mix of material implanted with carbon, glasslike components to store and moving recurrence as sub-consonant signs. It is consolidated with an "FDA skin affirmed" cement made by the 3M Company to forestall the development of microorganisms when applied to human skin for the proposed [3 days] wearing time of each patch. It is intended to send electrical frequencies through the electro particles in the body. The sensory system gets these frequencies, beginning a self-recuperating and automatic cycle. By improving the flagging straightforwardly at the cell level, without the utilization of synthetic compounds or machines, the outcomes are quick, however, they are likewise without results. In the event that a frail recurrence can be reestablished, the body gets back the capacity to self-mend. I suggest wearing the Bio Energy patch for at any rate one month to encounter a total brain-body reset. In the event that you would endeavor to back this with any sort of Theory, you can discover claims that cells "resound" at a specific recurrence and that this recurrence has an ideal level, and that the recurrence can be "changed" by means of openness to different frequencies.

Most common Bio-Energy patches:

Antioxidant patch: Antioxidants are illness battling heroes, that work nonstop to ensure your wellbeing. They are shielding your body from free revolutionaries, little particles that cause harm to sound cells, and surprisingly your DNA over the long haul. Cancer prevention agents are extraordinary mixtures that can help you carry on with a long and solid life which are given by such patches.

Allergy patch: Bio-Frequency patch gives energy that aids alleviation from food and airborne allergens. Use while encountering: Allergy and asthma side effects, sinus issues, wheezing, watery eyes, Loss of smell or taste, successive throat clearing, and hacking.

Bacteria Infection Patch: Bacteria Infection Patch reestablishes and upholds the body against Bacterial and Skin Infections. Microscopic organisms Infections Patch likewise shields you from bacterial skin contaminations brought about by scratches, cuts, and other skin wounds.

Common Cold Patch: The Common Cold is an upper respiratory viral disease frequently beginning with a scratchy throat or Sore throat, sniffling, runny nose, a hack, and an overall sensation of ailment. Basic Cold Patch upholds and shields the body from respiratory contaminations.

Pain & Inflammation: You can wear the Pain & Inflammation patch when you suffer from chronic pain, lack of energy, cramps, achy joints, and mental stress associated with your pain. Pain & Inflammation has been designed to address pain and inflammation in the body without the use of harmful and addictive medication. It also addresses the anxiety associated with pain syndromes.

Anxiety Relief: Anxiety is an emotion characterized by an unpleasant state of inner turmoil, often accompanied by nervous behavior such as pacing back and forth, somatic complaints, and rumination. It is the subjectively unpleasant feelings of dread over anticipated events. Anxiety Discs are ready to balance the unstable energy in your cellular structure. Each disc lasts for 3 days and is waterproof, to allow normal bathing.

Benefits of Bio-Energy patches:

-Rapid pain relief

-Reduced inflammation

-Support wound healing

-Quicker Exercise Recovery Time

-Mental Clarity

-Energy and Vitality

-Improved skin appearance