Magnetic Sign Care and Installation

Author: Kenneth Blair

Magnetic signs require maintenance. They will come off when not installed properly, and they can be easily damaged. A lot of problems with magnetic signs can be prevented with good installation techniques. People that have experienced magnets blowing off their vehicle need to realize that proper care and installation will help prevent most of these issues.

Installation Preparation

Both the vehicle surface and the brown, magnetic side of the sign should be carefully cleaned, dried, and waxed prior to applying. In colder temperatures, the magnetic sheeting should be warmed up to room temperature.


Don't just "slap" the sign onto the side of the vehicle. Apply one edge of the sign to the vehicle surface in the desired location then roll the sign onto the vehicle surface until the entire sign is installed flat onto the vehicle surface. If the magnetic sign is not placed in the desired position, carefully remove by reversing the installation steps and then repeat the process. (Do not try to rearrange the sign by pulling when it is stuck magnetically onto the vehicle. This might stretch the vehicle paint!)

Temperature is important!

Never apply your magnetic sign cold! It is okay to put the sign on in cold weather, but the sign itself must be warm. That means you must store your magnetic signs in a warm place during cold weather or you must take the time to warm up your magnetic signs before applying them to your vehicle. You can use your vehicle's heater to warm up the signs before applying them. Start up your car and turn on the heat. After the cars starts to generate heat, place your magnet in the car under a heat vent for about 15 to 20 minutes. Assuming your car has good heat, that should do it. Make sure the sign feels soft and flexible before applying it. Please note that the magnetic rips and tears very easily when it is cold. Always be careful when handling a cold magnetic sign.

Never apply a magnetic sign when it is deformed. Warm it on a flat surface (clothes dryer or water heater works good for this) to return it to its proper shape first.


Always remove the sign by lifting from the center of the two opposite sides. Never start at the corners. This precaution will avoid bent corners and reduced adhesion.


Magnetic vehicle signs will not adhere to areas on your car where plastic body fillers have been used. In order to avoid losing your signs, use caution in applying vehicle signs to areas of your car that have been damaged and repaired. see now car magnetic signs


Your signs should be periodically removed - once a week minimum or daily under dirty conditions. Clean and wipe dry both the vehicle and the back of the sign. Re-wax the surface when necessary. Trapped moisture, dirt, or chemicals may harm your vehicle finish. Clean your sign with warm water and a mild detergent.

If the sheeting becomes bent or distorted, particularly in cold weather, placing it on a warm flat surface (clothes dryer or water heater) or on a metal surface such as a metal filing cabinet or washing machine and heating it with a blow dryer or heat gun will help bring it back to shape, but be sure not to overheat.