Achilles Tendonitis in Brisbane - How to Deal With It?

Author: Queensland Ortho

Achilles tendons are made up of a number of small muscles, which run along the outer edge of the Achilles tendon. The Achilles tendon is one of those quick muscles that can be found firing off strong electric impulses when it is under stress. With injury or tendonitis, the Achilles tendon fires off this powerful burst of energy to help repair the tendon. It is a common site of injury for runners, and particularly for long distance runners.

In recent years, research has suggested there may be a link between Achilles tendonitis in Brisbane and the number of hours people run each week. Runners who ran more than three hours per week were twice as likely to have Achilles tendinitis. Another study found women who ran two to four miles more per week were also at a greater risk of suffering from Achilles tendinitis. However, this study did not take into account the effects of race length or the number of runs people carried out.

Tendonitis can develop from any number of causes, with every person being prone to different risk factors. As well as running, tendonitis can occur in other sports such as rugby and basketball. Typical symptoms of tendonitis include swelling, redness and a great deal of pain. Runners with this condition often try and rest the injured area, however, further damage to the tendons may occur if the run continues. This is why prevention is better advised than cure.

There are many different ways in which the body can heal itself, including the development of new tissue and cells. Unfortunately, sometimes the body cannot heal itself quickly enough and Achilles tendonitis occurs. The first step in treating Achilles tendonitis is to reduce the amount of running you do each week. If possible, try to do less than an hour's worth of activity during each week. If you must run, try wearing supportive shoes that will cushion your runs and ankles.

It is highly recommended that you get checked by a physician when you begin to experience any type of pain or inflammation in your legs or feet. If you suspect you have an injury, then seek medical advice immediately. The sooner you get started, the easier it will be to recover from your injury. If you suspect you have a broken bone, then get it checked out as soon as possible. Seek advice on how to handle this sort of injury.

It's important that you do not strain your Achilles tendonitis. Whilst running, try to keep your heels slightly elevated and push through the stretch. Try running on the outside of your foot instead of inside, as this helps keep the heels and toes slightly raised. This will also help relieve any pressure on the tendons.

If you are a gym addict, then try to join a club where you have a trainer to guide you. This will keep you motivated and keep you fit. If you enjoy dancing, then dance your way to health by going for a class or a yoga session.

The best course of action is to consult with a medical professional. It is a good idea to go for an MRI scan as well as x-rays to make sure there are no other injuries taking place. This is especially important if the injury is recent. There are certain drugs that can slow down the recovery process, so it is always best to let a doctor to deal with these beforehand. Rest assured, Achilles tendons are powerful machines, and can take huge damage if they are strained or injured for too long.