Publishers First Series: Life After Cookies

Author: Ad Apex

March Madness is taking on a new meaning after Google’s recent announcement that it will not support alternative identifiers. And while this affects advertisers and publishers, let’s focus on the road ahead for publishers and what this really means for life after cookies. With so much information and reaction in the headlines, Adapex is putting together a webinar series to break down what publishers can do now and over the coming months to be ready for privacy in 2022.

We are excited to share that we have assembled representative leaders from all sectors of the privacy conversation. More details to come but this is top of our mind too as we work with our publisher partners. And we view this as a positive direction to work with the entire ecosystem to improve user experience, transparency, and monetization.

Publisher Ad Monetization After the Third-Party Cookie

There is no shortage of news and conversation around the demise of the cookie. eMarketer just released a report which investigates how publishers are evaluating identity solutions, building first-party data strategies, and collaborating with partners to monetize their sites without the third-party tracking cookie. The bottom line, nearly half (49%) of US digital media professionals polled by Integral Ad Science in October 2020 cited third-party cookie deprecation as one of their top three challenges for the industry in the following 12 months.

Embracing Identity Solutions in a Post-Cookie World

Adapex has been involved in working toward solutions through involvement in the IAB Global Privacy and Rearc Accountability Working Groups, which recently released its first set of specs for public comment.

Adapex has also implemented prebid-compatible Unique Identifier solutions (UI) across our network of sites to maximize advertiser targeting capabilities, in order to maximize CPMs.

In particular, we are very excited to announce that we have partnered with LiveRamp and ID5 to increase awareness, adoption, and ultimately, scale of cookie-alternate solutions.

ID5 is the privacy-first identification infrastructure that provides publishers with a consented and encrypted identifier to replace third-party cookies and MAIDs. ID5’s Universal ID enables media owners to better monetize their audiences, advertisers to run effective and measurable campaigns, and ad tech platforms to maximize the value of data and inventory for their customers.

LiveRamp is building a new ecosystem based on trust and transparency through products such as Authenticated Traffic Solution (ATS). ATS connects authenticated publisher inventory directly with advertiser demand and sustains publisher monetization strategy—all while respecting consumer privacy. ATS is built upon a transparent value exchange, where consumers receive more valuable content and experiences in exchange for authentication. As a result, marketers are enabled to continue executing core marketing capabilities, such as targeting, frequency, measuring, etc. without reliance on third-party cookies or device identifiers.

Industry Response to Google’s Announcement

Many industry voices have said this better than we could and here are a few of the articles we found useful on the heels of Google’s news:

Let’s Get Together (Virtually)!

Stay tuned for an invitation to our webinar series as we take a publisher-first look at monetization after the cookie. We’re excited for what lies ahead and to work together to make the ecosystem stronger and implement a better alternative to cookies — one that centers on consumer privacy and control. Feel free to reach out with any questions or let us know what you’d like to hear about in the webinar series.