Why and Where Should you Use React for Web Development?

Author: Ajay Kumbhar

Since the dawn of time, Technology has long helped man to overcome his problems and to lead a happy and healthy life. Technology is the driving force behind all the latest innovations that we see around us and it has been evident that it is here to stay safe for a long time.

With so much changes happening to web development, it goes without saying that we are leading a good technology led happy and healthy life, as it helps us to solve major problems that we encounter in our day to day life.

With so many frameworks present for web development, There comes a time when there is a confusion as to which framework to choose for which particular feature. if you are in such a state of mind then we are here to clear the confusion.

A recent Framework has caught our attention with the features that it uses for web development, and the benefits that it offers to developers and programmers

Let's discuss why and where should we use react for web development

Why React for web development?

React has long helped us in designing single page applications and web applications and it is a great tool for designing the web. Here are probable reasons for using react for web development

Designing single page applications

When the need arises for creating a single page application specially for avenues like eCommerce, Lifestyle websites, getting information from the user, excetra in such cases, it is best to go with the single page application approach. This approach helps you to create a single page application that defines the requirements pretty well, and you are able to abide by the scope and the feasibility of the project.

In such cases react and angular are best options to develop single page applications or any kind of you were that needs to be developed that's the purpose of single page applications

Designing web applications having medium complexity

When you are about to design web applications that have mobile medium to low complexity, in such cases react is a better choice. When you need to handle web traffic will and need a technology that will comply with the way traffic rules and will provide you 100% of time without any kind of failures then to react is a good choice for kind of web deveopment.

If you are about to develop single page applications or any kind of us user interface in which you need high amount of responsiveness then to react is a good choice for designing such kind of interfaces

When to use React?

with the amount of advantages and benefits that react has to offer, There comes a time when developers commit Mistakes of choosing the incorrect Technology which can lead to have chaotic development, without analysing the benefits that the technology has to offer

Let us see when to use react?

Need Open Source technologies

If you are in search for an open source technology that provides all the bells and whistles of developing interfaces and single page application along with the robust and rugged architecture, then in such cases you can we go with react as it proves to be a wonderful choice for developing such kind of applications

Need great community support

Do you want great community support and help from the community to develop your applications well, then too react is a great choice, as it provides the necessary support and backup, that developers can easily rely upon. These kinds of communities were giving and ever helpful to aspiring developers and designers, the community has to solve the problems and issues that are developing space during that time of development of applications.

Need not dictate architecture pattern

If you want the architectural pattern of your software in order to incorporate various architecture patterns such as MVC, MVVM and more, then you need to have an architectural neutrality type of Technology. In such cases react is also a good choice because it provides developers and designers the freedom to choose their own architecture that is going to define their software and application easily and flexibly.

Need To reuse components

If you want the components that you designed to be reusable in other applications, then you can show react as react supports heavy use reusability, and promote reusability for developers and designers easily and flexibility. The long-term support offered by reusability help Reactjs Developer to write less code and do more when it comes to developing applications using react

Need compatibility with technology stacks

If you need compatibility and coordination between different Technology stacks when you are going to use a combination of Technologies that work well with react, then you can go with react easily and flexibly. React is fully compatible with major technology stacks and helps to design applications efficiently and effectively.


So we have discussed the various reasons why and where you should use ready for web development. React is a great piece of technology that has provided numerous benefits to developers and designers, it looks like react is here to stay for a long long time.