What Stories Are You Telling Yourself?
I’ve read many personal growth books that explain the importance of our thoughts. And for a long time, I thought it was bogus.
But then, I began paying attention, and I noticed that my husband made more progress in his goals simply by seeing things from a more positive light.
So, whether it’s negative self-talk or a self-imposed story that runs our lives, there are always things working behind the scenes when we find that we’re stuck or not making the progress we want in our lives.
Check out these three steps to demote your negative stories, and dramatically increase your vibration.
Become Aware of Your Stories
When something makes you uncomfortable, resentful, or sad, ask yourself why? What’s the story behind this emotion? Perhaps it’s a memory of someone bullying you. Or a bad experience. Or an achievement you think you’ll never reach. Why is this coming up for you?
When you’ve reflected on it, feel the emotions and then work to let these stories go. Simply saying "I forgive you" will work wonders. And this will help you understand and see in what ways your stories were holding you back.
Once you remove the emotional charge, you’ll find that the story no longer has the same power over you. And you can get on with making real progress.
Try Affirmations
Next, be extremely careful about the words you tell yourself. Your thoughts become your actions, and ultimately your life. So, what do you tell yourself on a daily basis? Are you kind and friendly to your body? Do you call yourself beautiful or ugly?
If self-kindness is an issue, take a look at these excellent self-love affirmations and begin healing your relationship now. After all, you only get one body in this life. You might as well love and treat it in an amazing way!
Get Grateful
Finally, the quickest way to change your life is to appreciate all of the good in it. While this isn’t necessarily intuitive, it’s certainly true.
"A grateful mind is a great mind which eventually attracts to itself great things."– Plato
By focusing on gratitude, you’re leveling up your energy, and telling the Universe you’re ready for more good. As a result, you’ll drown out any negative stories you were ruminating on, and further let them go.
In Conclusion
The bottom line is that we all have negative thoughts and stories going through our consciousness on a constant basis. Can you identify them? Can you stop the story in its tracks by becoming aware of it and drowning it out with gratitude and affirmations?
Don’t forget that our lives are made up of our perceptions. How we live is a reflection of how we see the world and everything in. And you can change your gray-colored glasses to rose at any time.
Give it a try and see how you feel today! Chances are, you’ll begin to understand what a difference your thoughts make in your happiness in success.
And always remember: You are beautiful. You are strong. You are capable.