Your highway to a healthy life- elaborate guide for weight loss

Author: Allabout Diets

Obesity is a medical condition in which the body mass index value crosses the extent of a standard value, set to describe a healthy person, and thus a person is said to be overweight. The primary reason for the increase in a person’s BMI is accumulation of excess body fat in the body. Obesity could lead to several disorders which includes acute medical severities such as problems related to heart and type 2 diabetes mellitus.

An obese person will most likely have a shorter span of life as compared to a healthy person. It is an immense necessity for an obese person to work on losing his/her weight, for which a guide for weight loss should be strictly followed. There are several reasons that cause obesity. Improper diet, lack of physical activity and genetic susceptibility are the major reasons of obesity.

It is quite a challenge for an obese person to lose weight. A lot of mental and physical efforts have to be put in to maintain an adequate BMI or body mass index.

However challenging it may be, proper guidance from experts can sum up the positive results of the efforts put in to losing weight. Dieting and exercising are the basic treatment of obesity. An obese person, when starts dieting to lose weight require reducing the daily intake of energy-dense food. An obese person should increase the daily intake of fiber supplementing food.

Exercising is as important as dieting to reduce body weight. Leading a sedentary lifestyle has several negative consequences other than obesity. Sedentary activities such as sitting, reading, sleeping, watching television and using computer for most part of the day, without room for any rigorous exercise, leads to obesity. It is essential for an obese person to spend at least an hour on strenuous physical activities. Even a healthy person should invest some time of the day on physical activities.

A weight loss diet plan should, inevitably, be followed by an overweight person. Several online health management websites provide

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