Step by step guidance on how to go through the MPPSC syllabus for prelims

Author: Neha Jain

The Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission (MPPSC) administers the State Service Exam for recruitment into the various govt sectors. To ace the exam, one must ensure that they are prepared for the exam well in advance by relating it to the syllabus and exam guide. For a detailed syllabus and Exam pattern, it is recommended to visit the official website of MPPSC. Further, in this article, we will cover the essential aspects of the preparation of MPPSC and how you can strategize and manage your time to complete the syllabus and revisions ahead of time.

Understanding the MPPSC 2021 Exam Pattern

One must begin early preparations with an organized plan and with definite objects set in mind to ace each stage of the exam. The first stage is the preliminary exam that is administered as an objective nature question answer paper. Candidates can assure that they have acquired essential learning elements before they can start preparations.

The State Civil Service exam is not very different from the National Civil Service in terms of the syllabus and subject covered. The only minor difference is noted in the question paper where state-based questions are asked more frequently. You can join MPPSC Coaching for your MPPSC exam preparation many institutes are there in Indore. The following are the different subjects important for the exam and generic preparation tips related to them:

1. History-

This subject is further divided into three parts:

  • Ancient
  • Medieval
  • Modern
  1. Indian and World Geography
  2. Indian Polity
  3. Indian Economy
  4. General Science and Environment
  5. MPPSC 2021 Current Affairs-

Following the current trend on how problems are being raised concerning current affairs, one must religiously follow a National newspaper. Approach to read the newspaper should be solely aligned with the topics included in the MPSC Syllabus.

With a newspaper, students are advised to read weekly magazines, and several magazines cover current critical affairs and a lot more.

So, you have got your books, now we start studying them. Therefore, we have to plan several modifications for our study. Here are my plans for 5 amendments:

First Reading: Understanding and Understanding

Second Reading: Remembering

Third Reading: Preparing Before Mock Test

Fourth reading: Revision in the month before the prelims exam

Fifth reading: revise one day before the prelims exam

Before we understand each let us understand why so many amendments are necessary. You need to feel that the syllabus of prelims is polite.

There is simply too much information that we need to store in our brain but there is a limited storage capacity in our brain. Whatever you study, you will forget in a short period of 15-20 days.

To maintain memory, we need to refresh it again and again so that it becomes clear to us.

1 First Reading: Understanding and Understanding

When you first focus on understanding the concept. For example, in your first reading of the monsoon, understand the science and logic of the ITCZ??movement. There is no need to memorize the arrival dates of the monsoon, but you should understand this concept but not be disturbed by the facts and information. Once you understand something, your brain is able to maintain it for a long time.

2 Second Reading: Remembering

The second reading should ideally be done within 15–20 days of the first reading. You have understood the concepts in the first reading, now is the time to memorize it. All important definitions, diagrams, data, examples etc. for this cram.

It becomes difficult to remember when there is too much information, so use mnemonics techniques. Mnemonics is a study of the way we remember information.

3 third reading: Preparing Before Mock Test

After going through two readings, you should prepare to take a subject-wise mock test. After the second reading you are able to remember important concepts. In the third reading you should focus on the areas that are still weak for you. After this modification give mock test.

Mock tests should be given not just to test your knowledge but to add further knowledge. Given the open nature of the prelims curriculum, it is not possible for textbooks to cover all aspects of a subject.

Here, mock tests come into the picture. The questions which you are unable to attempt in the mock test should be carefully studied and the answers should be understood and memorized.

Similarly, some concepts become clear when you give wrong answers in tests because the wrong answers get engraved in your mind and you do not make the same mistake again.

4 fourth reading: Revision in the month before the prelims exam

The month before the prelims exam should be reserved for revision only. In these 30 days, revise the mock test along with all the study material.

5 fifth reading: revise one day before the prelims exam

This is the final brushing of key terms. By reading this you already remember all the concepts and facts. You have to check the important words one day before the exam. This will give you confidence on exam day.

Remember that prelims exam requires breadth of knowledge whereas Mains exam requires depth of knowledge. This means that your net is wide in preparation for prelims, try to leave no stone unturned. These days the question paper is very unpredictable. This requires that you take special care in attempting the prelims paper