Network Simulator Software – Managing Network Operation is Now Hassle Free
Testing remote connectivity options are generally more demanding compared to test the local area network. Remote connectivity generally involves the utilization of transmission devices that aren’t managed or own by the client. These tools are normally not accessible to the network administrator for examining purposes. As a result, the network administrator must find means to analyze the projected network plan without having access to the real transmission devices.
The designers can make use of the following techniques to check the remote connectivity designs:
- Simulation Software
- Prototype testing making use of simulated links
- Pilot testing in the real environment
Simulated settings can provide a means to analyze device configuration & operation. Following the design is examined in the simulated setting; remote connectivity could be additionally examined in a test installation.
SNMP Simulator (Network simulation software):
SNMP Simulator provides the designers several tools for checking configuration ahead of executing them on real devices. The advantages of using this approach are:
- Lower expenditure – prototype networks are costly to develop & maintain. Networking mechanism configuration options change quite often. Thus, maintaining a test setting up-to-date could be demanding.
- Adaptability - SNMP Simulation software can support many different types of devices& connectivity options. Altering configuration & topologies is usually much easier and quicker in a simulation setting.
- Scalability – Installing a large or complicated network in a lab setting is unproductive.
- Control – SNMP simulation software permits the network administrator to handle the entire network operation better.
The network architect can also control the kinds of traffic to send over the network & the speed at which traffics are sent. Also, the architect can prevent the simulation to detain and scrutinize TCP or IP packets at many points in the network.
MIMIC SNMP Simulator:
MIMIC SNMP Agent Simulator creates a network of up to 100,000 SNMP-manageable devices. You can create any SNMP-based device with any number of public or private MIBs to run a large variety of device configurations with your SNMP management application. MIMIC MIB Wizard can compile any number of MIBs, in any order at the same time. MIMIC ships with a large number of pre-compiled MIBs, networks and devices from the leading networking companies.
Gambit Communications is the leader in network management, MIMIC Simulator and SNMP Simulator tools that enhance the productivity of management software developers.