7 tips to make an amazing study time table

Author: Team Smrtguru

Most students conceive studying as a burden and not as a regular activity, so the result piled up concepts with just a month remaining for exams. That being said the stress and frustration that comes along is natural. Thankfully we’ve got a walkthrough which will help you create a perfect and efficient study schedule. So let’s get started.

#1 Define your objective

Some people might think it as a wasteful activity but it isn’t. All executives across industry follow a strict schedule to make the best of the day, in fact Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla, divides his day into several blocks of 15 minutes and plans activity for all those blocks. The power of planning is unbeatable, given it is followed.

To create a study schedule an ideal way is to map out your end objective and estimate a date for completion of the said objective, by doing this you can manage your time in a better way. Once that’s done you’re off a good start. Next step involves planning your study hours for particular days. The more specific you’re with your study objective, the better. Adding unattainable goals for a specific study period is a strict no! Small, attainable goals motivates you and the whole process becomes easy.

#2 Buffer is important

Between your planned days or even hours make sure to have enough buffer period. A buffer is essentially a period where nothing is planned and backlog, if any, for the past period can be attended. This way you’re already prepared for any unforeseen situations like being interrupted by a phone call, guests at your place, etc. In case there’s nothing to attend to you can always move ahead with the next planned topic.

#3 Avoid long study hours

Yes, you read it right, AVOID long study hours instead break that study period into several small study hours. Let’s say you have to study 8 hours a day to achieve your objective, break it down to two 3 hour periods and one 2 hour period, or if you are looking for micro-planning go for 45 minute sessions. This way you get time to refresh between two study periods and it helps you to start fresh, eventually increasing the effectiveness.

#4 Productive Breaks

Productive breaks help you refresh and help in restoring your concentration levels. Although one should note that when we mention Productive breaks, we mean ZERO screen time. Activities like walking, exercising, playing a sport, catching up with friends among others are some of the best examples and have helped millions of students in the past to overcome fatigue from studying.

#5 Test yourself

For any kind of plan you need to have routine test to see whether you’re on track to achieve your objective. This can be done by planning weekly mocks/tests for the topics studied in the past week. Set a minimum passing score for yourself and be diligent in taking up the topics again in which you didn’t perform well. One might ask where do I get the tests from you can refer to exercises at the back of the chapter.

#6 Re-learn

After your tests are done, mark the next couple of study sessions as re-learning period (don’t forget this step, it is very important for your academic success), here you can revise those topics, if you don’t feel confident about a concept or a topic avail a session from our Gurus and they’ll help you out with your concepts. This way an expert can guide you around those tricky concepts and make them easy for you.

#7 Practice and revision

There’s no hidden method of scoring high in exams, this comes naturally with practice and revision. Once done with all the topics it’s time to revisit all the topics again and make sure you’ve not missed out on any topic. Another option is getting revision sessions from a Guru so that they can guide you through the whole course in a couple of sessions and can also help you with important questions for your subject.

Here’s a sample timetable, here we have planned for arithmetic over the next 3 days –

All said and done, this will work only if you stick to the time table created by you. For more such study tips read our other blogs.

Good luck!