Calendars and Holiday Gifts

Author: Uday Patel


Though calendar points towards a schedule that could be a strict regimen but whence it is associated with holiday it certainly exuberates. But here we are discussing both as products available in a stationary shop, that round the corner store that smells of paper aging and fresh. Also available in an online store bright, colorful and as functional.

Holiday gifts spring out from ideas that throng our cerebral matter to make someone we love happy. They are ultimate happiness makers, meant for those we cherish and for those we wish to please. They arrive in various formats as cards, vouchers, discounts and colorfully wrapped in products that are a thrill to open wondering what is inside.

Most likely when presented on holiday, it is meant to some one traveling to an exotic destination. But it could be a X’mas or New Year Greeting or for a long vacation from work in a company. But things about gifts is that there is no happy occasion that is not fit to present, and it could be small or big, but please do not look in the horse’s mouth. One great aspect of a present is surprise and expectation both can be exhilarating.


Look toward the wall and there it is hanging pitifully neglected forlorn stuck till its last day. A spiteful glance is all it gets a reminder of many things bleak. Often daubed red or blue often in large hasty circles a grim reminder of appointment with the boss for new job interview.

Well, that’s not it, calendars can augur happiness, end of sadness and reminder of something pleasant happening or leading to happier circumstances. On New Years, festivals and weekdays the forlorn date monger is looked at positively. It is black and white or a spectacularly colored pages made of papers.

Whence embedded with striking image it becomes a desk top material a proud possession in the office or home. These date mongers come in various shape and size in plain or colorful formats but the date is central to them and they lose importance whence outdated.

Trendy or out dated both calendar or gift have another purpose they are instrumental in product promotion as well. They are the best tools for propaganda bring forth new products and new brands owned by a company.

Promotional Products

Promotional products are essential marketing tools being cheap form of advertisement. A gift or a calendar distributed free without hindrance and nobody objects to it. You can present both to strangers with a minimal excuse or openly announce your generosity. What better vehicle to bring forward a product just launched and through cheap means as well.

Every time a customer looks at the wall or desk top, and each time he or she holds in hand, the product comes into the picture. A colorful logo or an image embedded on the surface is all it takes. Calendars were used long time back for promotional purpose while the idea of products being used as gift came much later. Nevertheless, now days, calendars and holiday gifts have become a trend. People all over the World not only businesses are resorting to use promotionally printed items as gifts.