Hard Sell Is Obsolete In Web Market – Know How To Overcome

Author: Jeck Smith

Summary: Everyone tries to get maximum customer (visitors in internet). But, only few know the secret to success. Here we’ve disclosed the latest web trend to design more effective and appealing website design that will improve your return.

I’ve visited countless sites which are mindboggling in look and feel; but are very confusing as you go in deep. I can definitely say that these are designed without any guidance of experienced wireframe designer or marketing person. Obviously, as a customer, I also may accept such designs on the first chance. But, if you think from the marketing view, you’ll find that it’s less effective than a simple and content focused site. However, I’m not saying about a dull and lifeless website design. Rather I want to concentrate on the Web 3.0 Creative web design Services. So, let’s get some insight in this issue.

Should I stick to simpler design?

Not at all, until it doesn’t distract the visitor from the targeted point. Remember, content is still the king in the internet and you should compromise with your information. As per Web 3.0 design you should use crispy and precise content with a combination of simple yet attractive images. Flat design with attractive color combination and zipped information with bigger fonts is the latest tradition introduced by some of the most creative web design services. As per my knowledge, it works.

What about infographics?

Well, infographic is another way to feed your thoughts to the visitor. The plus side is that even persons with less knowledge on a particular language can even get the information successfully. At the same time, as most of the visitors are actually skimmers, they don’t pay enough attention to long narrative text contents; they mostly try to grasp through an overview. However, the problem with infographics is that it takes long time to develop the wireframe and above all only few creative web design services provides highly effective and easy to understand infographics. Otherwise, it’s great!

Will Animation or Video Work Better?

Of course, if you are sure that your visitor uses a high bandwidth internet connection with latest version of any popular browser like firefox, opera etc. But, it’s very pathetic that still a major part of the users can’t afford a high-speed internet and thus it will ruin your purpose at the root. If you consult with any creative web design services, I don’t think they will entertain you to use animations or videos, just to explain your products.

However, it doesn’t mean that videos or animation are just worthless. These can be used to backup your business and SEO experts can tell you how, when and where you can use these. It helps people to get in depth and clearer knowledge about something.

What about jQuery, Javascript and other animation effects?

That’s a good idea, no doubt. There are hundreds of effective, creative and of course attractive animations available through these tiny programs that you can use in your website. These are very lightweight and works fine with most of the web platforms and devices. However, you need to contact the creative web design services only to get the best output without least failure.

Which is better to reach more customers – mobile website or mobile friendly?

Well, mobile friendly website is enough if budget is a concern for you. You still will get most of the customers through the help of proper and regular optimization of your website. However, to make it more accurate, mobile websites always gets more value than mobile friendly ones, when someone searches through their smartphone or tablet. Otherwise, you don’t have to worry.

Author’s Bio:

The author of this article is written by an experienced website designer for its clients. He wants to educate his clients regarding the basic knowledge of the web technology so that they can make better decision.