Conflict Nature

Author: Danielle Watson

Conflict as a phenomenon has the roots more ancient then the history of humanity. Being one of the primary manifestations of nature, it plays a profound role in the people's life. Without a doubt, conflict management has become an important science in the context of the recent years. Remarkably, some experts admit the positive and negative features of this phenomenon. This complicated and ambivalent matter demands attention of everyone and gives a wide field for study. Thus, the leading goal of this reflection is to critically analyze the particular features of this subject and outline its influence in the process of communication.

According to the statistics research project, a conflict has a double nature. It cannot be interpreted as definitely positive or negative issue. For instance, a conflict can reveal the current state of things that dominates between people. It can show that the participants of the relationship have their own thoughts and an independent will. In other words, they can express their position in a proper manner, without relying too much on their partners. According to such vision, a conflict can be interpreted as a healthy experience that reveals the current state of the situation and allows reconsidering the status of interpersonal relationships.

On the other hand, even a light conflict can have a tremendous destructive impact on the emotional and psychical well-being of a person. Sometimes, an individual is believed to be overcome with an enormous pain. Furthermore, a peaceful resolution can be also rather difficult to reach. It is especially likely to happen in the case of an old conflict, when its sides have been hiding their real feelings for a long time.

It is worth admitting that a nonverbal communication sometimes helps to know whether a conflict has a positive or negative color. In some cases your interlocutor can even remain silent or do not show his true feelings. However, nonverbal signs and symptoms can reveal the truth. Such actions are called to demonstrate a real attitude to the existing problem. For example, if a person stays rather nervous, aggressive or impatient, he or she is likely to often change their posture, use sharp gestures etc. Consequently, in a constructive dialogue, the gestures are smoother and calmer.

Besides, when a person is in a conflict with someone, considering both what he wants to say and how he wants to say it can be efficient in the conflict resolution. Someone's partner should be confident and rely on your attitude to communicate. The type of such cooperation between people should demonstrate the importance of interpersonal relations and their free will to establish mutual respect and understanding.

Unfortunately, media, the external environment, societal stereotypes, and prejudice may color conflict to some extent. Their peculiar impact reveals in the context of formulating the opinion and creating some prerequisites for an accurate discussion. As a result, such factor turns out to be rather sufficient in ordinary practice, by determining and defining the relations between people.

It is essential to highlight that a conflict can serve as a powerful instrument. It appears to underline the distinguishing characteristics of the behavioral practices of most of the people, by outlining their common attitude to the existing state of things. Moreover, a conflict is called to educate and teach people to express their point of view in a reasonable and peaceful manner. Such a healthy approach encourages seeing a positive side in a conflict. However, a conflict can also be estimated as a destructive occurrence, which ruins most of the relationships and turns out to be a real barrier for both of the parties of negotiations.