What is Skin whitening treatment

Author: Swapnil Patil

Skin whitening is a medical procedure where the skin is darkened to enhance the complexion and eliminate the need for makeup. During the treatment certain chemicals are applied to the skin that will aid in extracting the darker skin cells, exposing lighter skin cells on the surface. These treated skin cells secrete melanin (or pigment) which gives the skin a fairer appearance. Although the method of removing the pigment is the same for both a skin-whitening treatment and surgical treatments, skin whitening is often used as a cosmetic procedure, while surgical treatments are used as an important element in skin preservation. During the treatment, the affected skin is sometimes left for several weeks to receive the treatment.

Whitening productsMost people assume that a skin bleaching treatment is a temporary face-changing effect. The truth is that there are permanent skin conditions caused by the process. To bleach the skin, it has to be killed off in a chemical process. This kills the pigment cells, and the damage is very visible on the skin surface. The treatment also deprives the skin of important oxygen and nutrient-carrying molecules. The result is very apparent and highly noticeable blemishes. Also, the treatment destroys the delicate collagen fibers in the dermis that form the skin's outermost layer. If the damage is not reversed immediately, the entire skin is often left looking brittle and dry.

Permanent skin conditions

When looking at the positive side of the process, the skin whitening treatment also comes with an impressive array of cosmetic effects. The treatment also destroys the melanin-producing skin cells. Therefore, the skin becomes lighter in appearance, and therefore people have to avoid tanning or spending time in the sun. It also becomes lighter in texture and smoother, because the darker skin cells become thinner. The best results are achieved when the skin is bleached for a short time after the treatment.

For permanent skin whitening, the patient needs to undergo regular skin bleaching treatment. If the skin becomes darker over time, the skin cells will produce more melanin than before, and eventually, begin to become flaky and weak. Also, some chemical bleaches contain bleaching agents that can cause birth defects in children.

Skin whitening requires a skin examination

The most important aspect of skin whitening treatment is to seek professional advice from a licensed physician or dermatologist. IClS provides the best skin whitening treatment in Mumbai. All of our doctors are highly qualified and experience. When seeking treatment, you should know that it requires a skin examination. Some skin bleaching products may cause skin irritation or burn in certain people, so it is a good idea to speak to the medical professional before starting the treatment. If the physician finds that your skin is suitable for the procedure, they will perform a color screening test. If this test shows that your skin is not suitable, then the doctor will recommend another treatment option that is available to you.

The amount of white pigment produced depends on the amount of melanin that is already in the skin. The more melanin, the lighter the skin is going to look. The darker the skin is, the more damage is done by the bleaching chemical. The key to successful skin bleaching is to focus on the reduction of dark skin. The goal is not to create a skin of white, but rather to lighten the skin's complexion. Although it is a cosmetic procedure, it is important to understand that the bleaching process is not painless. You will experience short pain during the procedure, which is considered painless. Once the process is completed, the doctor will apply a skin barrier treatment to neutralize any residual chemical damage.