How to Make Mom Feel Special This Mother's Day

Author: Jennifer Kropf

Mother’s Day will be here before you know it! And moms are the workhouse of many families, so this day is the perfect opportunity to treat her like the queen she is!

Do you know how to make the mom(s) in your life feel treasured? Happy? Relaxed?

Here are five ways to make her a super happy camper!

1. Give the Gift of Time

First, mom’s LOVE the one resource that they can never get back. TIME. Time to themselves, time with their partners, time with their families. So, make a meal for mom, give her the morning off, or encourage her to get a lunch with friends. She’ll smile for days!

2. Encourage Self-care

Next, mom works her buns off all year, so encourage her to take a few moments to take care of herself this Mother’s Day. Encourage her to get a massage, take a hot bubble bath, or go out for a long walk all by herself. Whatever her style of self-care is, make it happen for her!

*Check out these self care gifts for mom for specific products that mom will love! And this self care new mom package is perfect for first time mothers!

3. Have the Kids Make Something Special

Free mom questionnaires are everywhere and make the perfect diy gift that kids just have to fill out! It doesn’t cost anything, and mom will be getting something that’s straight from the heart of her kids.

Alternatively, kids can make cute coupons for doing things around the house such as cleaning the bathroom, or washing the dishes.

4. Let Mom Choose

Most moms I know, eat last. And sleep last. And do just about everything last. So, how about for this day, mom gets to choose everything. Mom picks what movie to watch, what music to listen to, and what activities to do. Plus, you guessed it, mom eats and goes to bed FIRST. Sounds like a dream, right?!

5. Go With Her Love Language

And finally, we are all wired differently in terms of love. So, figure out if mom loves touch, gifts, quality time, affirmations, or acts of service. Then, sprinkle it in throughout the day!

For example, if mom loves

  • Gifts: leave a trail of small gifts or treats for her to find.
  • Affirmations: write encouraging words on her bathroom mirror or leave post-it notes on her pillow.
  • Touch: Give her a massage, hugs, and hold her hand.
  • Acts of Service: Get her a coffee, and don’t forget about breakfast in bed!
  • Quality Time: Plan a date night, family night, or other activity to do with people she loves.

In Conclusion

There you have it! Plenty of ideas to make mom truly feel cherished on Mother’s Day! Most importantly, consider the ways that your mom finds joy, and give it to her. Because she deserves it!

I hope you found something useful to use and that you shower your special lady with love.

"All I am, or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel mother." – Abe Lincoln