Top 10 Tips To Improve Your Ping Pong Game

Author: Alexander Loginov

Ping Pong is a sport where two players or teams hit a lightweight plastic ball over a table using rackets.

Nowadays, there are great professional ping pong table tournaments all over the world. It is also very popular in schools for physical education and recreation. However, like any sport, you need to practice to get good at it. The following article is geared towards helping people improve their ping pong game.

1. Understand Your Grip

To start, you should experiment with how you grip the paddle. Have a look at the paddle and see what is good for you. When you are actually hitting the ball, make sure your hands and fingers are relaxed. Change your grip by striking different parts of the paddle to discover what works best for you.

2. Keep The Paddle Above The Table

You will hit more balls and hit them faster if your racket is above the center of the table so that it doesn't hit any other ball or person before reaching it.

3. Explore Spin

Spin is the way in which you strike the ball. Make sure you are hitting the ball from below and not above in order to figure out what kind of Spin produces the best results for you. It will slow down your shot if you strike it from above because it will take additional time to return to the table.

4. Experiment With Backspin And Topspin

Try hitting the ball so that it spins around on its path after hitting it, or hit on the top of the ball to make a cannonball movement. By doing this, you will see that your shot is accelerating faster than if you just hit the ball from above. You can try some other shots like putting Spin in a hard technique when you have both hands positioned near each other on the racket and leaving a long stroke by bringing your racket close to your body.

5. Practice Your Positional Play

You need to master the art of position play. This is especially important for people close to the table. When doing this, you will need to find a comfortable position that allows you to keep still and strike the ball in a controlled way without hitting any other person or ball. Start by moving yourself close to the table and start practicing your eye-hand coordination, then go back to your wall and repeat the process. Move closer again from the wall. It is a good idea to put some red tape on the table and try to avoid it when you are practicing your positional play.

6. Know When To Attack Or Defend

You need to know when you need to attack or defend. It is not always good to go for a kill shot because it may sometimes be better if you just allow your opponent enough shots so he will play with less accuracy and speed.

7. Use A Variety Of Shots To Take Control Of The Game

You need to use more than one stroke when you play. Try putting some spin in different shots. Use different angles and directions on the ball for more control over its trajectory, speed, and spin rate. First, try hitting it from below or from close to your body or head height and see what works best for you before trying some other shots that require a different type of racket angle.

8. Take Time To Improve Your Skills With Drills

You will never improve if your efforts are superficial. Practice drills and don't spend all of your free time playing with friends or even watching TV. You need to learn how to practice, how you can improve yourself, and how long it takes to do it.

9. Use Different Racket Angles For More Control Over The Ball's Trajectory, Speed, And Spin Rate

You need to take into account how the ball behaves when you are striking it. Playing with different racket angles will help you to hit a hard shot accurately and effectively.

10. Learn To Control Your Adrenaline And Remain Focused During Competition

Many players fail to do this well. The competition is always there waiting for you. It is not just about winning or losing. You need to learn how to play the game.

If you want to improve your game, you need to play with the kind of players who are good at what they do. Rather than using online information, the best method for improving one's game is to play with better players and practice more. And to become a champion, you have to work hard and dedicate yourself to it. If you really want to be one, there is still no better way to do it.