How to have whiter teeth
Having white teeth and a good smile is one of the things that most worries many people today, so in this article we are going to present some of the tricks that you can use at home to have whiter teeth.
Every year many people spend a lot of money to buy products to have their teeth whiter, especially in the United States, although these products are becoming more popular in general. Although we have to bear in mind that these products, in addition to whitening the teeth, can also damage them because they are made with chemicals that can be aggressive for the teeth. So the best option is to use more natural products whenever possible.
First, brush your teeth regularly
It is one of the things that dentists will always recommend, and this is brushing your teeth on a daily basis, it is already the most important thing you should do to keep your teeth white and free from cavities. It is important to adopt this habit and do it at least twice a day. If you didn't have this as a habit in your daily life, it's never too late to start.
But it can also happen that if you have been brushing your teeth on a daily basis and you are not seeing results and your teeth are turning yellow, you may need to brush your teeth more often, especially after eating or drinking, which can lead to teeth turn yellow. Although there are some types of foods or habits that can cause the teeth to be more yellow. For this it is better to consult a dentist. At the Idiázquez Dental Polyclinics they will be able to recommend a treatment for teeth whitening.
However, it is advisable to bear in mind that teeth should not be brushed immediately after ingesting acidic foods or drinks, as it could cause erosion, as is the case after drinking wine.
You can also try using a whitening toothpaste. This type of toothpaste uses mild abrasive products that can help remove tough stains from the surface of your teeth. However, if you have any problems using this toothpaste, it is a good idea to consult your dentist.
Oil rinse
Oil rinsing is a traditional remedy for teeth whitening and it was made and common among Indians. This technique is also intended to improve your overall oral health and hygiene.
To perform the oil rinsing, you can use any type of oil, but mainly sunflower and sesame oil. Coconut oil is also a popular choice, as it tastes delicious and offers other health benefits as well.
Oil rinsing is helpful because it helps remove many types of bacteria from your mouth. These bacteria cause plaque and make teeth yellow. Therefore, oil rinsing could be very helpful in removing bacteria from your mouth. You can use the rinse with two or three small tablespoons and keep it in your mouth for a few minutes.
Rub banana, orange or lemon peels in your teeth
Like the oil rinse, this remedy also doesn't have any scientific research to back it up. However, the people who tried it are happy with the results. Plus, it doesn't include any harmful chemicals, so why not give it a try. Although not approved by science, it seems to be quite well known in some societies.
To perform this "trick", take a banana, orange or lemon peel and gently rub it on your teeth, keep rubbing it for about 2 minutes, then wash your mouth thoroughly and brush your teeth.
The peels of these fruits contain citric acid, which theoretically helps whiten teeth. If you have sensitivity problems, the enamel on your teeth is probably weak or has worn away. In that case, it is not recommended to use this remedy. If you have already tried and have problems with your teeth, it is best not to use this homemade trick.
Eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables
Fruits and vegetables are known to remove plaque from teeth while chewing. They are not a substitute for brushing your teeth, of course, but any diet is very important to good dental health. Also, eating fruits and vegetables will be very beneficial for your overall health.
Two of the fruits that are said to whiten teeth are pineapple and strawberry. An enzyme called "bromelain" found in pineapple effectively removes stains and is helpful in general teeth whitening. Strawberries, on the other hand, contain malic acid, which will help whiten your teeth.
A diet rich in fruits and minerals will also help prevent cavities and have strong gums.
These are some of the remedies that you can use to have a whiter smile. Of course, we always recommend visiting the dentist to talk about your dental problems and the possible treatments.