4 Practical Study Tips for Year 3 NAPLAN Students

Author: Sarah Kahlon

The National Assessment Program- Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is an annual examination that is undertaken by the Australian students of Year 3, Year 5, Year 7, and Year 9. This test is undertaken mainly to test whether young Australians have adequate literary and mathematical skills or not. The types of questions in the exam are informed as per the Australian curriculum for various grades.

Getting connected to tutoring services for NAPLAN can help your child learn about the level of preparation. Knowing about the areas of weaknesses and strengths can divide the areas to focus on. It will help in managing time while preparing, which is undeniably an essential thing.

NAPLAN is an important test for many students that can either make or break their overall academic record. That is why many students do their best to prepare for this test in advance by practising sample papers online. To enable NAPLAN practice for Year 3, students try to complete as many mock tests as possible. So if your child is going to appear for NAPLAN in the coming days, you should provide him/her with all the required educational resources such as text books and practice tests that can easily be found on educational websites.

Besides completing sample tests, there are some things you can do that can boost your child’s performance. So here are 4 practical study tips that can help your child to excel in NAPLAN:

1. Develop a Routine

Without a solid study routine, your child may easily get distracted from studies. So you must encourage your child to adhere to a time-table and follow a daily routine to get as much practice done as possible.

2. Revise Daily

By using flash cards, your child can quickly review all the topics that have been covered in the past. Hence, through the use of flash cards, revision becomes fun and interesting. It also helps in memorizing complex and confusing concepts such as the spellings of new words, mathematical concepts, and grammatical rules, etc.

3. Take Turns Teaching

When you do something, you tend to become an active participant in the process of learning. That is why you should ask your child to become your teacher and explain all that has been learned recently. It can also help in identifying the topics that are still unclear and it enables you to assess how well-prepared your child is for NAPLAN.

4. Positive Feedback

If you are able to teach and guide your child with some practice tests, try to provide your child with constructive and positive feedback after the tests as this can improve his/her performance immensely.

On a Final Note

So if your child is in Year 3 and he/she is taking the NAPLAN for the first time, you can look up NAPLAN practice for Year 3 online to access and purchase mock tests and sample papers that can prepare your child for the big day. As a parent, you should not only support your child to study well, but it also becomes your duty to ensure that the environment at home is good for studies.