Ultimate Medical Services, Inc.

Author: Tyler Paul

Ultimate Medical Services is a provider of all medical imaging modalities, equipment, and diagnostic imaging solutions. As a trusted and reputable provider, we only stock and supply FDA approved imaging solutions to our customers. This allows you to stay ahead of the pack and on the cutting edge of the medical imaging market with the newest, safest, state-of-the-art technologies.

We provide services and products of all kinds within the healthcare industry, with something to suit all budgets and price ranges. We have years of experience and can supply some of the most advanced robotic X-ray rooms available, and AI PACS systems that are capable of handling complex medical imaging modalities. Each system is suitable for all kinds of practices around the US, from single Doctors’ offices to multi-bed hospitals and everything in between, with imaging solutions to suit every budget.

All in all, no matter the size of your operation or the requirements you have, we have medical equipment and imaging solutions to suit your needs, wants, and your financial situation.

Take a look at some of the Specialized diagnostic imaging solutions we provide below…

Imaging Equipment

Ultimate are leaders in the provision of medical imaging equipment. We’ve got it all, from the most advanced pieces of technology in the industry to the most cost effective options. Our philosophy is to provide equipment for every size of operation and every requirement there is, and we take your lead on what you need, as you know best. This means that we work closely with you and allow you, the customer, to decide on what it is that’s best for your specific situation.

Picture Archiving Communication System (PACS)

Picture archiving communication systems, otherwise known as PACS, is a picture archiving and communications system that electronically stores images and reports, rather than manual filing. Having the latest technology available allows medical professionals to view images including mammograms, endoscopies, digital radiography, and more.

And as we know, AI is the future, and while with other suppliers it’s something they can only dream of, we already have it.

Ultimate Medical Financing

We understand that budgets can be difficult to manage, but your Imaging Department or establishment should not have to suffer due to a lack of financial resources. We believe there’s a suitable solution for all of our customers, so we have an in-house finance team who can get to the bottom of your financial issues and arrange a plan to help.

Get in touch for details to be put in touch with a member of our expert, friendly, finance team, who will take care of you and your needs.

Get in Touch

So, whether it’s complex machinery or medical imaging systems, other services to your facility, or something a little simpler for a smaller establishment, we’ve got you covered.

With our many years of experience, knowledge and expertise providing imaging solutions, we’re confident we can find something to suit your needs, whatever they may be.

And don’t worry if you feel you can’t afford what you need, as our finance team are happy to help provide a financial plan that suits you, so you don’t have to miss out.

Get in touch with our fantastic team of experts to find out more.