Choosing Bronze Alloy to Get the Best Application Results

Author: Ranny Watson

According to historians, bronze was first created in the III millennium BC. It became the first alloy in the history of mankind, and was once used to create dishes and works of art, tools and weapons. By alloying copper with tin, ancient blacksmiths could create reliable and fairly durable things.

With the spread of iron and steel, bronze lost its role. But it was not completely abandoned. In recent centuries, bronze products have been used in industry - in the creation of ships and aircraft, cars and equipment of almost all types, in the oil and gas sector and other industries.

Bronze is a metal based on copper and alloying elements. The percentage of copper in the composition is almost 97.5%. 2.5% - other components. It can be tin, lead, chromium, aluminum. phosphorus and much more. Since bronze with tin is most popular, all copper-based alloys are conventionally divided into tin and stainless.

Benefits of Bronze Alloy Metallic

Bronze is a double or multicomponent copper-based alloy containing additional alloying elements - tin, manganese, beryllium, iron, silicon, aluminum, phosphorus, chromium and some others.

If we compare it with brass, then bronze is characterized by higher corrosion resistance, strength and anti-friction properties. It is quite stable in air, in salt water, carbonic solutions and solutions of many organic acids. Most types of bronzes are weldable and solderable with hard and soft solders.

Depending on the amount of additives, the color of bronze can be from red to white. Let's consider how alloying elements affect the properties of bronze. Tin, nickel, silicon and aluminum increase the strength, corrosion resistance, and elastic properties of bronzes. In combination with lead, zinc and phosphorus, antifriction properties are also increased. Nickel and iron significantly refine the grain and increase the recrystallization temperature. Silicon and manganese bronze alloy increase heat resistance. Chromium, zirconium and beryllium increase the heat resistance of the alloys and slightly reduce the electrical conductivity.

The advantages of bronze alloy metallic depend on which alloying component is dominant in the alloy composition.

Beryllium bronze is characterized by such advantages as:

  • maximum hardness among all copper alloys;

  • excellent plasticity;

  • high manufacturability.

The main advantages of manganese bronze alloy are:

  • high density of the composition;

  • good resistance to seawater;

  • resistance to aggressive environments and chemical attack;

  • ease of processing with cutting tools

Where Are Bronze Rolled Metal Products Used?

The scope of application of high-quality bronze alloy metallic products is quite diverse and extensive. It includes:

  • production of trains and road transport;

  • mechanical engineering, instrument making, production of various equipment and special equipment;

  • aircraft construction, shipbuilding;

  • printing house, paper production;

  • heavy industry;

  • mining and oil industry

Why buy?

All bronze alloy metal products are manufactured taking into account the highest quality requirements, and therefore buying it will be the right choice.

A circle or rod made of bronze is widely used in construction, instrument making, radio and electrical engineering. From this type of non-ferrous metal, elements of all kinds of structures, nuts, bushings, water intake fittings, etc. are actively manufactured. Bronze sheets and plates have found application in decorative and finishing works due to their durability and aesthetic appearance.