What are Beading Supplies and the Usage of Crystal Beads

Author: Ashley Lee

Aesthetic sense is a mark of distinction between human being and animals and that is one reason he is called the paragon of animals. It manifests in many aspects of our life. It may be in dress, in living or our daily life actions. Some aspects of this aesthetics is just the show of; may be self-satisfaction or to impress others and ornamentation is one. Self-adornment has been the weakness of women since ages and the women always like to look different and unique, they wish none else to be like them. They wish decorating themselves and have ornaments on their body. Beads are one of the means to make their ornaments and this creates a demand for the beading supplies. This has given rise to this trade and many sharp minded people have taken up this business to deal in beading supplies. Probably it originated in African countries to wear jewelry made of beads and as we see in the pictures. This fashion like a contagious disease spread in women of all regions, nations and races. Initially the beads may be made of clay or something but now we have crystal beads. This is with the development of technology that we have beads made of different materials. To have pearls, diamonds and other precious stone is out of reach of many but the desire to wear ornaments has to be satisfied. Crystal solved this problem and crystal beads are there in the market as substitutes to precious stones.

Spread of population also means spread of business; may it be anything and ornaments are no exception. The volume of consumption of these beads has increased and given rise to the beading supplies wherein industries have been set up to meet the demand. It is not only the crystal beads now; they can be of any material. They are base metal beads, Bone/Horn/Shell Beads, Ceramic Beads, Chinese Crystal Beads, Copper Beads, Fire Polished Crystals, Furnace Glass Beads, Gemstone Beads, Gold Plated Beads and many more types. All these types of beads add to beading supplies and the buyers can have their choice and satisfy their taste and liking. It is the human ingenuity to transform these beads into beautiful shapes and make beautiful jewelry for the adornment of women who always are looking for something to beautify them. In the vast choice of beads, crystal beads are the most liked and used. The glass making industry made lot progress in their process of glass making. In the process of refining, they reached the stage of crystal making and now going beyond other glass ware, crystal beads also came to be a useful item for the glass makers. It gave an idea to the jewelry makers to use these beads in their trade. Now crystal beads are one of the major beading supplies.

If we see the market dealing in artificial jewelry, we find the maximum use of crystal beads and they in fact are the heart and soul of these ornaments.