The Benefits Of Taking Selfies

Author: Riki William

We've all heard the term "selfie" before, but what does it really mean? In the simplest terms possible, a selfie is a photograph or image that shows you doing something with your smartphone camera. The main difference between traditional smartphones with built-in selfie functionality is that a traditional smartphone camera typically has the LCD display while a selfie camera uses the front-side of the smartphone to take the picture. Because this new technology means better pictures and videos, we are also seeing an increase in smartphone applications that help you use the newest form of self-expression.

There are already quite a number of smartphone applications for taking selfies, such as the ability to edit and caption your images, but there is even more on the way. Companies like iStockphoto and ShutterStock have already developed photo editing apps that let you crop, resize and enhance your pictures. If these companies can make picture-editing easy, then there's no reason that your smartphone can't do it, too!

In order to take full advantage of selfie Technology, it's important that you own a smartphone capable of running it. Currently, there are two smartphone models that have full camera and selfies capabilities - the iPhone 5s and the Idol 4i. However, the v19 of the video app works with the latter, and it promises to bring the functionality of its iPhone counterpart to a whole new level. The video app works by letting users import their current shots so that they can easily share their content via social media.

Of course, it's not just photos that you can upload to your start. It's also videos. The reason why selfies are so popular is because people like to share their thoughts and emotions through visual mediums. When you compare a video of yourself with a still shot of the same event, you can see how a simple change in angle and the position of the camera can make a huge difference. Video is much better because you can share it to your friends, family, and even to the world.

Another positive aspect of taking selfies is the increased self-confidence that a lot of users experience when they post their images to their social media networks. Celebrities have been doing this for years to instill a sense of self-worth in their fans, but now teenagers and twenty-somethings who have not yet developed a strong social media image are realizing that they can use it to gain the attention and respect of their peers. This is a great way to build your social media profile. Not only that, but because you're posting to networks that are used by millions of people, you can ensure that you'll be seen by everyone. All the followers and friends of the person in the photograph will know about your newfound status as a trendsetter and the person to turn to in times of crises or questions about personal issues.

The last big benefit of taking selfies is the fact that they allow you to edit them. A lot of users complain that smartphones' image stabilization is not good enough and need to make corrections before they can make a good image. However, with the use of a 4K video camera, you can definitely fix those flaws. You will also be able to focus on certain aspects of your face without having to shift your head from one side of the camera to another in order to see the best part of it. It makes you look more confident, mature, and interesting as well.