Open your eyes to the beautiful world with glaucoma!

Author: Terry Barlowe

Eyes are the most sensitive organ of our body. It’s also a direct connection of all your visions to your brain. Imagine the vision getting blurred day by day and then suddenly getting blank forever. The thought itself seems so scary but many people actually suffer from this type of situation. The situation is known as glaucoma in medical terms. In glaucoma the pressure increases on the nerves of the eyes and this causes the fluid that is important for the eyes to overflow from the eyes. A person who has a family record of glaucoma is quite likely to suffer from the disorder. Although there are no proper precaution available it would be best if you can get your eye check up done at least once in a year. Diabetic patients are also in the danger zone and are likely to get this disorder but in any case what helps glaucoma is early detection through check up and timely medication.

Glaucoma and Its Symptoms:

One of the biggest hurdles in detecting glaucoma is that it has very few symptoms and in most of the cases symptoms do not exist at all. However, still in few cases some symptoms have been noticed like slow loss of vision, red eyes, pain in eyes and vomiting. In few cases the person suffering from glaucoma has found it difficult to see from the sides. However all the above mentioned symptoms have been noticed in some cases so it is not necessary that in case you are suffering from glaucoma then you will surely witness these side-effects? In fact most of the people suffering from glaucoma have said that they did not come across any early symptoms.

Medication to Treat Glaucoma:

Most of the doctors suggest the use of eye drops for treatment of glaucoma. It is prescribed for most of the patients who are at early stage of glaucoma. You must use the eye drops exactly as it has been prescribed by the doctor or else it will cause you further complications. If you have been asked to use two eye drops then keep proper gap between the uses of the two eye drops. In complicated cases eye surgery has been advised to patients suffering from glaucoma.

Glaucoma Treatment Side Effects:

Some of the common glaucoma drug interactions include change in the eye color or eyes turning red, headache and dizziness. While few people have complained side effects of glaucoma medication like shortness in breath, dry mouth or nose and fatigue. Glaucoma medicine side effects have been observed to get severe like depression, memory problems and frequent urination.

There are few diseases and disorders which need special attention as they are not detected as early like the other disorders. Glaucoma is one such disease and there are no preventive measures for glaucoma. The only care that you can take is to get a regular eye check up done.