Get a Truck Heater and Other Safety Tips for Winterizing Your Rig

Author: Lubrication Specialist

Fall has just arrived and for truckers who handle those long hauls that can only mean one thing. Winter is right around the corner. Making sure those treks cross country are on-time, economical and most of all safe is a top priority, but that doesn’t mean every rig out there is properly winterized and ready for the task. From adding a truck heaterto taking some basic safety precautions, there are ways drivers can make their winters go more smoothly and safely.

Here are just a few tips for ensuring winter hauls go off without a hitch:

  • Invest in an Espar Airtronic – This is a truck heater that works on its own to provide auxiliary heat to the engine compartment and comfort to the cab and sleeping area of your rig. While it might seem unnecessary since your truck has an onboard heater that performs, there are some compelling reasons to consider an extra heater. An Espar Airtronic does not require your rig to run in idle all night long to keep you and your engine warm and safe. That means it cuts out wear and tear and also reduces overall fuel costs, which can add up to big savings. Since a
truck heater can also keep that engine compartment warm, it can help eliminate false starts in the morning while ensuring a run stays on time. Some heaters, even offer remote access for starting. That means if you want to spend a night out of the cold, you can click a fob on your keychain in the morning to warm the truck while you enjoy a cup of coffee.

  • Get routine maintenance – Regular maintenance is imperative all the time for those who run long hauls, but it’s especially so in the winter. Make sure to get your truck taken care before the winter cold sets in.
  • Plan well – Before heading out on long runs through cold country, be sure to plan routes well and take care with packing. Your rig should have emergency supplies just in case you get stuck in an area that’s impassable. One must have extra food, blankets, any medications you might need and a truck heaterto keep you safe if idling in a long jam.

About the Company:

Lubrication Specialists is one of the Internet’s foremost suppliers of Espar Airtronic truck heatermodels. Offering an array of gear to make the road more hospitable, this company has catered to truckers and other motorists for years.