Application of NaDCC Disinfectant in Domestic Water Treatment

Author: Maggie MA

The use of sodium hypochlorite to treat domestic water has been considered a cost-effective method to reduce the heavy burden of diarrhea and other water-borne diseases, especially in people who do not have access to an improved water supply. NaDCC disinfectant 60%, which is widely used in emergency situations, is another source of chlorine and may have certain advantages over NaOCl in terms of household-based interventions in the development environment.

Effectiveness of Dichloroisocyanuric Acid for Disinfection

NaDCC powders and tablets are the favoured method of chlorine disinfection. The white tablets are based on chlorine releasing sodium dichloroisocyanurate, also known as Troclosene Sodium or NaDCC, which is combined with effervescent components before being made into tablets. This makes the tablets fast dissolving, highly convenient, safer and more accurate alternative to liquid bleach. NaDCC is well established in healthcare disinfection and a wide range of other applications.

Like other sources of hypochlorous acid, NaDCC has proven to be an effective antibacterial agent. However, the chemical composition and physical properties of NaDCC tablets may have certain advantages over NaOCl, because NaOCl may be a supplier of free chlorine in household disinfection water. The safety of the compound used in the routine treatment of drinking water has been satisfactorily resolved. There is also evidence that the use of NaDCC tablets can improve compliance and is more acceptable and affordable than NaOCl, so it may increase the overall use of household-based water treatment interventions.

Preparation and use

1.67 g NaDCC effervescent tablet, releasing 1 g active chlorine when dissolved in water. Also comes in different strengths and in granules and powder.

Pre-disinfection of soiled instruments 0.1% active chlorine solution (1000 ppm): 1 tablet of 1 g active chlorine per litre Immediately after use, soak instruments for 15 minutes, then clean instruments.

Disinfection of clean instruments 0.1% active chlorine solution (1000 ppm): 1 tablet of 1 g active chlorine per litre Soak previously cleaned instruments for 20 minutes, rinse thoroughly and dry. – Disinfection of linen 0.1% active chlorine solution (1000 ppm): 1 tablet of 1 g active chlorine per litre Soak for 15 minutes, rinse thoroughly (at least 3 times).

56% NaDCC disinfectants for sale in Fengbai Chemical Company are designed to absorb, contain and disinfect hazardous spills on contact, to ensure safe removal. Disinfection on contact reduces risk of cross contamination or spread of infection during removal.Fast acting NaDCC Chlorine releasing granules neutralise and absorb spillages.


Prepare solutions with cold water, in non metallic containers.

NaDCC can corrode metal. The risk is limited for good quality stainless steel instruments if concentration, contact time (20 minutes maximum) and thorough rinsing recommendations are respected.

For disinfection of linen: use only for white cotton or linen (risk of discolouration).

Do not expose the product to flames. Do not incinerate.

Don’t swallow. Do not store NaDCC tablets near oral tablets.

Avoid inhaling vapours and dust when opening or handling the containers.