Want to Hire a Dedicated iOS/Android Developer? — Check Out When, Why & How To Hire One!

Author: Jwalit Shah

Are you planning to develop a dynamic mobile app in 2021? Then, you need to hire a dedicated iOS/Android app developer on priority because 25% of users abandon mobile apps after one use.

So, if you don’t want users to abandon your app, let’s dissect the autonomy of excellent mobile app developers—when, why, and how to hire dedicated Android or iOS developers?

When Do You Need an Android or iOS Developer?

The global mobile app revenue is anticipated to reach $935.2 billion by 2023. Now, if you are still looking for a reason to hire dedicated iOS and android developers, you should hire remote mobile app developers when—

When you Want Technically Rich App

To develop technical and futuristic mobile apps for Android and iOS platforms, you need to hire dedicated app developers in both OS:

  • You need to hire remote iOS developers because they have vast technical knowledge, including Swift 3.0, Apple Xcode IDE, CoreData, and so much.
  • You need to hire remote Android developers as they have technical expertise in Java, Kotlin, Android SDK, SQL, GIT, XML Basics, and more.

When you Want to Provide Amazing UI Experience

When hiring a dedicated Android developer, he or she can align your mobile app with the Material Design language guidelines that can cover all vital design elements such as colors, shades, etc. Similarly, iOS developers can help you follow the Apple User Interface guidelines.

Without compliance with the standard UI guidelines, Apple App Store and Google Play Store won’t accept your app. So, to meet mobile app stores UI terms and conditions, you need an experienced developer.

When you Require Backend/Frontend Support

If you don’t have a sufficient budget to hire separate remote Android/iOS developers, you can hire a developer who can work at both ends. Many professional and experienced developers can easily handle Backend as well as Frontend technologies, which can dramatically reduce your mobile app development budget.

When you Need a Team player

A mobile developer is a team player who has to coordinate with other remote and in-house developers to streamline development operations. Your developers will manage your mobile app development process, delegate wisely, and even frequently get feedback from you.

When you require a Business Analysis

One highly experienced mobile app developer can step into the business analyzer’s role. They can test your idea's feasibility and run an MVP approach to predict your app’s success rate. They can also suggest new solutions to make your mobile app even better. In short, when you require a complete app development partner, you should hire a dedicated iOS/Android developer.

Why Hire Remote Android and iOS Developers?

Your hired remote mobile app developers can perform a variety of tasks to better optimize your business, such as:

Flexible Work Environment

The dedicated developers have the capabilities to work together or individually on any project. They can adjust according to your work culture and project requirements. For example, to hire a developer for an iOS app, you can draw a detailed service agreement before hiring an iOS developer and just relax!

Immediate Reinforcement

Remote developers have years of experience under their belt, so they can exactly guide you—what to do and how to perform the development process to achieve the desired outcome. You can use remote developers’ training and experience to make your mobile app unique and robust. Especially when you are stuck somewhere, they can easily provide the correct solutions.

Skill Variations

From highly technical skills to multiple soft skills, a professional mobile app developer can offer a variety of services. Your developer can design app layout, find the suitable tech stack, coordinate with other team members and run the quality analysis. With a dedicated Android/iOS developers, you can gain a series of services to create an innovative mobile app.

Prompt Services

Imagine you are facing a problem while uploading your app on the Google Play Store—just before the launch time. It would be very difficult to hire a specifically skilled developer urgently, but your already hired dedicated Android app developer can help you. The developer can easily offer an alternative solution or can contact someone else from his or her network to help you.

Easy to Manage

Remote developers are trained to work independently under minimum guidance. You just need to share your project requirements with them and fix a delivery. Without too many follow-ups or regular monitoring, they will easily manage your project. So, if you don’t have time to manage your development process, you just need to hire a dedicated mobile app developer.

How to Hire a Dedicated Android/iOS Developer?

Do you want to quickly and safely hire remote Android or iOS developers? Then, you should just drop your request at the Cloudlabs247 portal.

We have a dedicated developers team with us. After conducting an intense interview process, we have hired the industry’s best iOS and Android developers. You can also hire our tested and certified developers by:

  • Sharing your requirements with our recruiters.
  • Our recruiters will analyze your project details and accordingly shortlist the suitable candidates.
  • You can hire any developer from the list. You can even use two weeks free trial facility to test the expertise of developers.

Within a few steps, you can find suitable mobile app developers from the Cloudlabs247 platform!

Bottom Line

A good mobile app developer is the backbone of your app development process. Therefore, always be cautious while hiring a dedicated iOS and Android developer for your team. Just remember one mantra—if a good mobile app developer can grow your business, a bad one can sabotage it.

Anyway, for hassle-free remote Android and iOS developer hiring, we are always here! So, make your decision smartly…