Top 3 Homeopathic Treatments for Vertigo

Author: Francine Kanter

Have you been feeling dizzy lately? Do you find it hard to keep your balance at times? If yes, then you may be suffering from vertigo. Vertigo is an extremely common medical condition; about 40% of all Americans experience vertigo at least once in their lifetime. Now, you may be wondering what vertigo really is and how you can treat it effectively.

Vertigo is when you feel off-balance or the sensation of spinning. Even though it is not a disease, it still may be an underlying symptom of a disease. You may be experiencing subjective vertigo, which occurs when you move, or objective vertigo occurs when your surrounding objects start to move.

Many causative factors are responsible for vertigo. Disorders in the vestibular nerve, vestibular system, and cerebellum are among the most common causative factors that may trigger vertigo.

Systemic causes of vertigo include head injury, orthostatic hypotension, cardiovascular disorders, migraine, multiple sclerosis, stroke, and numerous other factors. Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) is the most common type of vertigo.

Homeopathic remedies can prove to be very effective in treating vertigo. They will not just help you control the frequency and intensity of vertigo but are also going to improve the overall immunity of the patient.

Top three effective homeopathic treatments for vertigo:


If you have been suffering from vertigo as soon as you lay down, moving your eyes, or turning over the bed and turning sideways, in that case, Conium can be a very effective homeopathic remedy for you. This homeopathic medication is often recommended to older adults who suffer from discomfort caused by vertigo. It will also help you get relief when the discomfort turns worse with some noise or someone's voice, moving or climbing down the stairs, and by shaking your head towards the left.


Pulsatilla is also a very famous remedy for all women suffering from vertigo. Suppose you are a woman whose dizziness tends to worsen due to delayed or suppressed menses. In that case, you can consult a doctor of homeopathy in Port Orange and go for pulsatilla since it can prove to be highly beneficial. Pulsatilla is often used to treat vertigo, giving you the sensation that objects around you have started to revolve in circles. It may also help you sort your digestive discomfort or nausea caused as a result of vertigo. It would help if you went someplace open and breathed fresh air to alleviate any symptoms caused by vertigo.


Phosphorus is another commonly prescribed homeopathic medicine used to treat vertigo for aged people. It is the perfect remedy to treat vertigo when you get up from bed in the morning. This medication has proven to alleviate the sensation of fainting, floating, or whirling due to dizziness. Ideally, people suffering from this type of vertigo may find relief in the dark and may also develop a craving for food and ice-cold drinks.

Nevertheless, before you decide on taking any of these medicines, make sure that you consult a doctor. Even though homeopathy offers you natural remedies for vertigo, you must get a professional involved. They will tell you what medication will be the best for you according to your particular symptoms.