How to Make Money with Instagram the Easy Way: Setting Yourself Up Simply for Social Media Revenue

Author: Agnes Smith

If you are a business or entrepreneur looking to leverage social media, learning how to make money with Instagram will likely be one of the first steps you take towards your goal and mission. The beauty of using social media accounts is that you can accomplish a number of business goals at once, all from the comfort of your own desk or couch at home. Given that the economy is still getting back up and running, you will likely need to find creative ways to supplement your income, especially if you work in an industry or company that has a social media component. Many small business owners and entrepreneurs put social media lower down on their list of priorities than other thing like paying for staff, production or infrastructure costs. While this may be a smart way to run the bare bones of your business, you will ultimately also find smart ways to expand your business. Figuring out how to monetize your Instagram output and/or how to get more followers on Instagram will likely end up being a priority for you in this day and age as well.

The key to making money on Instagram or even other platforms like Tik Tok is to first generate an organic following based on the content you put out.

One of the ways you may end up monetizing your page is by selling ads on your page. If you get enough of a following, you could even end up being considered an influencer in your given field! Wouldn’t that be pretty exciting? Another way you could monetize your page is by working with another brand. If you prove your business model and content to be interesting and viable, then naturally brands in your industry will be interested, as many of them want more of a following on social media anyway.

Build Your Social Media Following Organically: How to Get More Followers on Instagram Without Paying Bots

Anyone can pay for inorganic followers on social media. Learning how to get more followers on Instagram organically is a totally different skill. While you may not get the results that you want to see immediately, your efforts will ultimately pay off if you put in the work consistently up front, and follow strategies that are not only capable of leading to growth, but also conducive to building a sustainable following. Working first with basic methods like adding relevant hashtags to the comments of your photos (putting them in the description is fine, but may be unappealing to some of your followers), can help your page move up on the "discover" page.

A great way to get more followers is to put out high-quality content regularly!The best way to get more followers is to improve the quality of your posts. Therefore getting a handle on digital editing software, or getting an in-house design and editing expert, may be the way that you earn your followers on Instagram. Even if it takes a while, if you have consistently high quality and relevant content, the Instagram algorithms will favor you. And the best part? If you want to monetize your account, you can do so by creating content that fits your ‘style’ for other pages on the platform as well!