10 Easy Pick-Me-Ups When You Need to Reboot
We all have down days and times in our lives when we feel low in energy and mood.
But is there a way to turn things around when we need motivation and spirit? Can we engineer a better day? Yes!
Use these 10 quick pick-me-ups to take charge and put yourself into a different state of mind. Most of them take very little time or effort, but make a massive impact.
1. Blast Some Music
Have you ever heard a song and immediately felt like dancing? Singing? Music has that impact on us, and it can be used as an amazing attitude enhancer.
2. Do Something Nice for Someone
Doing good for others feels good for us too. So, the next time you need a pick-me-up, buy a coffee for a friend or bring flowers to your mom. It’s small, but it will make a large impact on how you both feel.
3. Take in Beauty
Beauty, whether natural or man-made, is good for the soul. Observe a beautiful painting or amazing piece of artistic work and you’ll find yourself inspired to take action on your own life.
See: Easy ways to rewards yourself in a healthy way and Easy Kids Rewards for more on this!
4. Take a Nap
Naps sound most pleasing to adults, but the truth is a quick snooze can boost your mood and renew your energy. Give it a try!
5. Focus on Gratitude
What we focus on is our reality. Focus on the good, and you’ll see more of it around you. So, right now, what are 3 things you are grateful for? When you finish the exercise you’ll realize that whatever was bugging you isn’t quite so bad.
6. Fake It Till You Make It
Smiling even when you don’t feel like it can be an immediate pick-me-up! Give it a few minutes and you’ll find that you’ve turned around how you feel.
7. Get In Touch With a Friend
According to a Harvard study, the quality of our relationships dictates the length and quality of our lives. Want to live longer? Feel happier? Focus on staying in touch with your friends and putting effort into your most important relationships.
8. Hug
Hugs release Oxytocin, the feel good hormone! So, when you’re down, reach for a long hug to feel better.
9. Exercise
So many studies report that exercises relieves stress, improves your mood, and boosts your self-confidence. So, for an immediate boost, get moving!
10. Get Outside
Nature is the best mood booster you can find, and it’s beauty at its finest. So, when in doubt, find trees, water, mountains, or a beach to bust you out of your low energy and mood.
In Conclusion
There you go! A complete list of ways to enhance your positive energy, especially when you feel low and need it. I hope these make your day a little brighter, and your life a little sweeter!
"The key to being happy is knowing you have the power to choose what you accept and what you let go." - Dodinsky