Is Green Tea Better for You than Breakfast Tea

Author: Bunny Denol

When it comes to tea, everybody has their preference and each choice is just as divine as any other. So, if you are a passionate tea consumer and want to know the difference between a refreshing cup of Ceylon Green Tea and a sip of hearty Breakfast Tea, you’ve come to the right place. The delicious addition to a great morning meal that is English Breakfast Tea is a blend of black tea, traditionally made from a combination of Assam, Ceylon Tea and Kenyan leaves. However, it is not the origin of the blend that gives the beverage its signature flavor profile; it is the quality of the leaves. For example, Dilmah offers exquisite Breakfast Tea, made from the Camelia Sinensis plant found in Sri Lanka. Green tea, contrary to most opinions, is not worlds apart from this, as it is also made from the same plant. It is the production and the preparation which make all the difference. Where Breakfast Tea is made from fully oxidized tea leaves, which turn darker in color, green tea is heated and pan-fried with minimal oxidation, retaining most of its antioxidants. As a result, Breakfast Tea is stronger and has a rich taste to it, whereas Green Tea is light and refreshing. Now that the technical part is done with, let’s talk about which tea is better for your lifestyle.

Energy Levels: Breakfast Tea as the name suggests, is generally enjoyed at breakfast, mainly because it packs a punch, with high levels of caffeine, without the restlessness that is associated with coffee. AN average cup of breakfast tea has about 42mg of caffeine in a cup, which is a great boost of energy to start the day with. The addition of milk and sugar will also make you feel fuller. Green Tea, on the other hand, doesn’t have as much caffeine, but definitely makes up for it with significant levels of L-theanine, leaving you in a calm state of mind with enhanced focus. Add lime, ginger or honey to your green tea to match your preference and to amplify the health benefits.

Weight Loss:It is no secret that Green Tea is one of the world’s most powerful weight loss agents. It is actually the reason that this humble beverage became so popular. Properties like Catechin and EGCG found in green tea can increase metabolism, which will assist you in weight loss, as well as the prevention of weight gain. Just drinking 2-3 cups of green tea could lower the number on the scale in a few weeks. Breakfast Tea, which is essentially black tea, can also help with weight loss. Tea polyphenols speed up the breakdown of fat and if drunk without sugar and milk, it is also just as calorie free as green tea. Heart Health: Breakfast Tea, as indulgent as it is, is very healthy. The Flavonols, Theaflavins and Gallic Acid in it help with repairing coronary artery dysfunctions, and also in reducing the abnormal functioning of blood vessels. Green tea has antioxidants such as anthocyanidin which improve overall heart health. It has also has the power to potentially prevent high blood pressure and cholesterol levels, which could otherwise lead to poor cardiovascular conditions. Make a habit of drinking plain breakfast tea or green tea to live a long and healthy life.

Mental Health: Avid tea consumers know that tea is like ambrosia. It heals your mind and works magic on mental health. This is true for both Breakfast Tea and Green Tea. The former eases stress, relieves anxiety and lowers blood pressure, while the latter improves your focus, memory and cognitive abilities. Green tea is also known to be a good natural aid for insomnia. So, drink Breakfast Tea in the morning and Green Tea before bed to enjoy the best of both worlds.

It is obvious that both Breakfast Tea and Ceylon Tea are equally healthy for you. It all depends on your personal preference. You can’t lose with tea!