Drink Coconut Water instead of Sugar Filled Sports Drinks

Author: Neha Jain

It seems like there is a new fad going around every few months… eat a ton of this berry and cure all your vision problems. Drink this powder and increase your work out performance by 80%. We tend to ignore most of this advice because we recognize it for what it is, an odd fad that will be gone this time next year, so you might be wondering if the new-found public appreciation for coconut water is a fad to be ignored as well. The answer is no, it’s not a fad, it’s a real food, and no, you should not ignore this one. You should especially pay attention if you like to do fun things with kids, such as taking fitness classes at the gym, high-energy things like zumba, dance classes, or any strenuous exercise or sport.

People from countries where coconuts are naturally grown have been drinking the sweet water/juice from raw coconuts for centuries and naturally replenishing the electrolytes and other nutrients they lose during sweating, whether that be caused from the natural heat and humidity of the climate, or from strenuous work or exercise. Doctors recognize the need to give a thirsty body more than just water, you need to give it back the electrolytes it has lost, but unfortunately, the easiest way for most of us to do that is to purchase a completely unnatural sports drink that does contain electrolytes, but also contains as much sugar (or more!) than a can of soda pop, not to mention many preservatives, artificial colors and flavors and more.

It is summer, an especially hot summer in some parts of the US. Seattle, WA is experiencing a hotter summer than usual, as is Houston, TX. Plenty of people are out in the water trying to cool off with fun activities like water skiing, rowing, scuba diving, swimming, diving, and other water sports. When you are nice and cool and wet, however, you tend to lose track of how much moisture your are losing during your activity, and can wind up very dehydrated. Not only is this not healthy for your body, but it is not fun. Symptoms of dehydration and electrolyte loss can range from slight headaches, muscle cramps, all the way to disorientation, dizziness, and organ failure. Drink up!

In an age where people want more value per dollar they spend, why waste your hard earned money on something that is not completely nourishing your body? Why not go after a substance that is completely natural, completely nutritious, and many times, less expensive than its colorfully advertized artificial counterparts? Your body will thank you, and reward you by building it back up after a fun day in the sun so you can go out again and again.

Have a wonderful rest of the summer! Stay hydrated.

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