5 Quick Ideas to Take Better Care of Yourself

Author: Jennifer Kropf

As burnout runs rampant in our culture, self-care continues to be a buzzword that most of us wish we had more of. Who wouldn’t want to feel well rested, energized, and fulfilled?!

And yet, where is the time?

Between work, families, and activities many of us don’t have much time to take a long bath or take an hour long stroll. These seem more like a cruel fantasy than a possible reality.

With this being the case, here are 5 quick ideas to take better care of yourself even when you’re strapped for time and energy!

1. Hit the Pause Button

Before anything else you try, when you’re feeling overwhelm sink in, remove yourself from the situation for a minute or two. Make it long enough to collect yourself. I find that this works best when I leave the room entirely, and take five deep breaths. When I return, I’ve found a clearer state of mind and a better mood.

2. Walk Around the Block

Perhaps you don’t have time for an all out stroll, but most of us can find the time for a quick jaunt around the block. This will still give you the benefits of added energy, stress relief, and improved blood flow.

*To make all of these habits daily and weekly practices, check out this free printable self care routine checklist!

3. Turn Up the Tunes

Music doesn’t require any time because you can do it while you’re doing your normal activities! Listen to something that boosts you mood, and you’ve got a low effort way to take care of yourself. Want an alternative? Put in your favorite podcast and learn something while you do the laundry or go for your run!

4. Talk With a Friend

In the 5 Life Lessons of the Dying, it was found that not keeping in touch with friends was one of many people’s big life regrets. So, call or text someone you love and take a quick ten minutes to catch up. Not only will you be improving how you feel in the moment, but your relationship will benefit in the long term as well.

5. Journal

Finally, journaling is both quick and can be ridiculously beneficial. Use a notebook to cleanse yourself of toxic emotions, record your gratitude, or even write down your best ideas. A few minutes each day can make a huge difference on how you feel!

In Conclusion

For more ways to make your wellness a priority, check out the fun 30 day self-care challenge that will keep you accountable and help make new habits stick. And don’t forget that small actions make a huge impact in the long term. It’s better to do what you can, even if it’s tiny, than to do nothing at all. In the words of Robin Sharma, "why not treat yourself as amazing as possible?"

You only get one life, being good to yourself should be as big a part of your daily routine as anything else you do.