Baltic Amber Bracelets Buying Guide
The presence of Baltic amber bracelets on the market as accessory and one of natural pain relief alternatives for teething baby are not the new thing, since amber is a fossilized tree resins which has been widely used as jewelry since approximately 12,000 BC. However, some of you are probably still confused on how to find the best bracelets. Here is the guide.
No matter what type of bracelets you want to buy (whether amber teething bracelets or adult bracelet), the number one rule is still the same: finding the right size. Make sure to measure your wrist or your baby’s wrist first. Generally, amber teething bracelets are available in 15cm size and adult bracelets are 18cm.
Another important thing to remember is about the material. Make sure that you find the phrase "Baltic amber" as the bracelet material. Out there, there are many different types of amber, and the one taken from Baltic Sea is widely known to be the best due to the highest succinic acid percentage. It can reach up to 8%.
Besides the high percentage of succinic acid which brings great benefits for teething baby, genuine Baltic amber is also widely known for its good properties of healing energy for adults. No wonder, adult amber bracelets are becoming more and more popular as healing jewelry.
As the part of ancient culture, the use of amber jewelry was also associated to spirituality. In Asian cultures, amber is called as the stone of courage. In ancient era, the pieces of amber were even carried during long travels. Amber was believed to be the stone of protection.
Adult amber bracelets are more than just something woman can wear as her style statement. These bracelets are perfect option to develop patience and wisdom, balance emotions, eliminating fears, clearing mind as well as attract good luck.
The good news for you is that you can find amber teething bracelets and amber bracelets for adults at once from amber jewelry seller who provides their customers with so many different choices. Not only varied in size and material, but also colors. Moms can get two amber bracelets in one color: one for herself and another one for her baby.
By paying attention to the important details to consider when shopping for teething bracelets for your baby and adult bracelets as healing jewelry, you will not only get the best products which fit to wear, but also the best benefits for your and your baby’s health.