All About Ruby Gemstones

Author: Navratan Gems

Due to its red color, the Ruby gemstone or Manik stone is defined as a small drop of the heart’s blood of Mother Earth. The ruby gemstone is often called Manik or Manak stone that is considered as the Lord of all the Gemstones. In India, It is a fact that those who offer the ruby gemstone to lord Krishna were asserted of being reborn as a leader in new life. The color of the ruby gemstone varies in between the lightest pink to deepest red.

The ruby which has a deep red hue is also known as Pigeon blood ruby. It is the richest variety of ruby gemstones. It shows an attractive look and that's why ruby gemstones are quite more popular in India. It is mainly used with any type of jewelry. It gives a stunning look to the wearer with his outfit. But if we talk about the price of ruby then it varies or depends on the quality of the ruby gemstone you are buying. Usually, rubies come according to the price per carat weight. It is a favorite choice of women. Light-colored rubies are identified as more suitable for women. The more hidden rubies are considered ideal for man. It is a highly precious gemstone from the Corundum mineral family. It is a popular gemstone among all the types of Navratna gemstone. According to Vedic astrology, it is highly recommended for those who are a little worried about their career.

As compared to other gemstones the Manik stone is considered as the highly valuable gemstone for those who are in support and love, related to emotions. According to Bible and classical Sanskrit writings, this ruby gemstone is identified as the most elegant and valuable gemstone. This gemstone is associated with the planet sun or we can say this gemstone is ruled by the sun planet. The Manik stone is believed to improve the mental and physical health of the person who wears this stone. Burma ruby or Burmese ruby is one of the most popular varieties of rubies, as it is one the most excellent sources of Red Ruby stone. Ruby is identified as the birthstone of July month. So for the people who were born in July month can wear this stone.

Before buying this stone one should ask a good astrologer who has great knowledge of Vedic astrology. Because it can harm the life of the wearer if it isn't worn in a certain manner. So before wearing this stone you must check the place of the sun in your birth chart. If the place is positive then it can give you many astrological benefits but if the place of the sun is negative then a good astrologer can suggest to you some way through which you can improve the place of the planet sun. The carat weight that an individual needs to wear is 1/12 of the total weight of the human body. If you have 72kg weight then you need to wear a ruby of 6-carat weight. It usually looks amazing with all types of jewelry such as pendants, rings, and necklaces. If we talk about metal then gold is highly recommended.

Buy Certified Manik Online

If you are planning to Buy Manik Stone Online then you need to keep some tips in your mind. Always buy gemstones online from a trusted store like Navratan

  • -The online Gem Bazar. Read all the customer testimonials carefully. Check the cut, color, and carat weight wisely. If you still have any questions then give us a call or visit our website.